Flyuktuoforez mexidol after carrying out a sinus lifting at patients with chronic inflammatory processes of a maxillary bosom

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The new technique of rehabilitation ofpatients in the early postoperative period after carrying out classical and local a sinus lifting with an one-stage implanatatsiya is presented. Patients received standard therapy, in group of comparison in addition appointed a flyuktuorizatsiya, in the main group - flyuktuorez mexidol. It is established that rndonkey of a rehabilitation course function of nasal breath was restored, the pain syndrome and inflammatory component was stopped, drainage function of a cavity of a nose was restored, conductivity on the second branch of a trigeminal nerve was restored. Activation of processes of an osteorengeneratsiya is revealed according to alkaline and to its bone isomer. Data of microbiological researches confirmed distinction of microflora in a nose cavity at rinogenny and odontogenny maxillary sinusitis after intervention on an alveolar shoot of the top jaw with simultaneous dentally implantations. It is shown that a flyuktuorizatsiya and flyuktuorez mexidol make sanifying impact with authentic decrease in number of tests with absence of growth by 7th day while at standard therapy this effect is received only in 12-14 days. In the remote period not it was revealed a case of rejection of a dentally implant during two-year supervision. Thus, application flyuktuorez mexidol tics in a complex of rehabilitation actions is a complementary andpotentsiruyushchy method in early the postoperative period after a sinus lifting against accompanying rinogenny and odontogenny maxillary sinusitis.

About the authors

Marina Yurevna Gerasimenko

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute

129110, Moscow, Russia

M. A Amkhadova

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute

129110, Moscow, Russia

A. G Hrykova

Yaroslavl Medical Academy

150000, Yaroslavl, Russiа

R. S Gadzhiev

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute

129110, Moscow, Russia

I. S Amkhadov


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