


Among diseases of the oral mucosa, lichen planus (LP) is up to 13%. Over the past decade, the number of patients with this dermatosis has doubled. Currently, the etiopathogenetic factor of LP development remains unclear, but there are many theories of the development of this disease. However, in the literature there is no description of a common pathogenetic link. In connection with th e above, the authors believe that these theories can be combined with new scientific facts and ideas about the barrier role of innate, and in particular, mucosal immunity. The review article describes the role of mucosal immunity of mucous membranes - toll-like receptors (TLR), describes the mechanism of activation of the immune system through TLR2 and TLR4, shows the relationship of immune inflammation triggers - the reaction of food intolerance, factors that contribute to the development of hypersensitivity in the pathogenesis of LP. The mechanism is presented for the presentation of autoantigens to immunocompetent cells with the participation of heat shock proteins. The prospects for further study of TLR with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of LP are presented.


Dmitry Mikhalev

Siberian state medical University

graduate student of the Dentistry Department «Siberian State Medical University» 634050, Tomsk, Russia

V. Stolyarova

Siberian state medical University

634050, Tomsk, Russia

N. Cherevko

Siberian state medical University

634050, Tomsk, Russia

P. Sysolyatin

Novosibirsk state medical University

630091, Novosibirsk, Russia

O. Baidik

Siberian state medical University

634050, Tomsk, Russia


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