Interactive teaching methods in dentistry in post-graduate education, as a condition for stimulating cognitive activity

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The article presents new materials about active and interactive teaching methods in improving the quality and modernization of the modern medical education system. The information about the objects of research and innovative technologies of interactive training in the specialty “therapeutic dentistry” is presented. The stages of organizing an interactive educational process are outlined with the outlook for the knowledge gained, as well as improving the organization of the control system for teaching and mastering practical skills, organizing and conducting for the first time a master class with training in Uzbekistan, congresses and international scientific and practical conferences with the invitation of foreign dentists.

About the authors

U. Y. Musaev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.
Uzbekistan, 140100, Samarqand, Amir Temur str., 18

J. A. Rizaev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Uzbekistan, 140100, Samarqand, Amir Temur str., 18


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