Comparative analysis of speech therapy and orthodontic effects of orthodontic equipment used in the replacement bite to expand the upper dentition

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The period of the first phase of replacement bite in children in the Russian Federation corresponds to the period of primary school age, which is considered one of the critical periods in the child's development, due to increased emotional loads, and children aged 6—7 years are at risk for developing combined orthodontic and speech therapy pathologies.
The complexity of the correction of orthodontic treatment at this age patients associated with lack of coordination between the orthodontist and speech therapist: a speech therapist does not accept the correction of the patient, until he had reached the incisors contact, and the orthodontist begins orthodontic treatment, since it prevents the wrong position and function of tounge.
Most modern removable orthodontic appliance restrict the mobility of the tongue to some extent, thus forcing the child to move it down and back, suppressing its tone. In addition, the use of these devices prevents speech therapy correction, since it violates the automation of sound reproduction. The use of removable orthodontic appliance has positive orthodontic effects, but at the same time, contributes to the development of the second and third level of incorrect sound reproduction.
In our experience, the device of choice in such situations is the Haas appliance. The use of the Haas appliance gives the fastest orthodontic effects, and myofuction therapy, speech therapy, as well as ottorhinolaryngological treatment can be carried out at the same time, which helps to consolidate the result and reduces the likelihood of relapses to a minimum.

About the authors

I. V. Meshalkina

ValaAm Dental clinic; Department of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics of the “First Acad. I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg state medical University» Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

L. V. Korsak

Dental Group Clinic

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

T. B. Tkachenko

of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics of the “First Acad. I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg state medical University» Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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