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With the aim of studying the state of periodontal tissues in workers of mining and processing plants engaged in the extraction and processing of copper-zinc ores carried out a comprehensive dental examination of 395 workers of the production and the control group of 90 people. There was a high prevalence and intensity of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, periodontal tissues and mucous membranes of the oral cavity of the miners engaged in the extraction and processing of copper-zinc ores, which correlates with the degree and duration of contact with harmful production factors. The results of the study can be used to optimize the existing system of protection of dental health of the employees of this and other similar enterprises.

About the authors

Aigul A. Trofimchuk

«Bashkir state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

graduate student of the Departmentof therapeutic dentistry of the Bashkir State Medical University, doctor periodontist, AUZ Republic Dental Clinic 450006, Ufa, Russia

M. F Kabirova

«Bashkir state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

450006, Ufa, Russia

O. A Gulyaeva

«Bashkir state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

450006, Ufa, Russia

L. K Karimova

«Ufa scientific research Institute of labor medicine and human ecology»

450106, Ufa, Russia

G. A Salyakhova

«Bashkir state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

450006, Ufa, Russia


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