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In order to improve clinical examination quality of patients who use dental prostheses on implants, an expert evaluation of the protocol for dental diseases prevention «Guided Biofilm Therapy» was carried out. Based on it, a standard operating procedure «Oral hygiene of patients using prosthetic implants» has been developed. It’s clinical approbation led to the conclusion about safety and efficiency of prophylactic procedures with regard to biofilm elimination as the main etiological factor of mucositis and periimplantitis. To achieve high quality of the protocol manipulations, they must be carried out by qualified personnel, taking into account indications and contraindications, observing all features of working with the tissues surrounding implants.

About the authors

V. R Shashmurina

Smolensk state medical university

214019, Smolensk, Russia

L. I Devlikanova

Smolensk state medical university

214019, Smolensk, Russia


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