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Introduction. High level of alcohol consumption in Russia and significant need of dental care especially among patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD) dictate necessity of investigation of dental pathology features among this group of patients. The aim of the study is to research dental and salivary statuses of men with ADS depending on the age. Methods. Examination of indices of dental and salivary statuses was carried out among two age groups of patients with second stage of AUD aged 25-44 years - «younger» and 45-64 years - «older». Methods of statistical analysis were Pearson's chi-squared test, Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression. Results. In studied group median of DMFT with Q1 and Q3 is 14,0 (11,0-20,0) in younger group and 23,0 (18,0-29,0) in older group with significant prevalence of missing teeth in older group (p<0,001). According to the results of F-(D+M) investigation, more than 90% of the research subjects had negative attitude towards their dental health but in older group the index was two times lower than in younger group (p<0,001). The need of prosthetic care among study participants was almost 100% (р=0,253); hygienic level of both groups was satisfactory (р=0,210). Salivary status was characterized by low salivation rate (р=0,723), acidic pH (р=0,511) and low microcrystallization potential of saliva (р=0,047) both in younger and older group. On the opposite, the indices of saliva viscosity (р=0,042) and surface tension (р=0,669) were increased. The analysis of the microcrystallization of saliva types has revealed that types г and Д prevailed. Conclusion. During the study we revealed statistically significant age differences among patients with AUD in indices of dental and salivary statuses. These findings determine the need of development of narcological circumspection among dentists and formulating the recommendations for the management of narcological patients and secondary prevention for the preservation of dental health.

About the authors

Karina A. Kunavina

«Northern state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

MHS, teaching assistant, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Northern State Medical University 163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia

A. S Opravin

«Northern state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia

A. G Soloviev

«Northern state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia

O. A Kharkova

«Northern state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia

A. S Galieva

«Northern state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia

163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia


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