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The most pronounced positive and effective impact on the structure of dentin after preparation having combined the combined effect of arginine and nanohydroxyapatite. The use of arginine and nanohydroxyapatite is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic effects on prepared vital teeth, which manifests itself in the formation on the surface of prepared dentin a dense protective layer for the open dentinal tubules and dentin mitubushi. Arginine and nanohydroxyapatite accelerate the process of near-pulp dentinogenesis.

About the authors

T. Sh Kodzhakova

Stavropol State Medical University

355017, Stavropol, Russia

S. N Garazha

Stavropol State Medical University

355017, Stavropol, Russia

Elena Nikolaevna Grishilova

Stavropol State Medical University

Email: elenkastom@yandex.ru
PhD in Medical sciences, Associate Professor of the department of propaedeutics dental diseases Stavropol State Medical University 355017, Stavropol, Russia

M. S Grishkov

FGBOU DPO «Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

D. V Martynov

FGBOU DPO «Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia


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