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Introduction. In the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of patients with phlegmons of the maxillofacial region and neck, a large number of errors are allowed, which leads to the growth of neglected extensive purulent processes. Goal. Increasing the effectiveness of diagnosis of acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases. Material and methods. The first block of research. To determine the relationship between the number of cell spaces involved in the odontogenic inflammatory process, the depth of lesion and the presence of organ failure, a group of patients (480 patients) with acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and neck were analyzed. The following indicators were evaluated: the number of facial and neck cell spaces involved in the inflammatory process, the depth of the lesion, as well as the presence of organ failure. The second block of research. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed algorithm for determining the high probability of development of organ failure, the developed algorithm was tested on a group of patients with odontogenic inflammatory diseases (64 patients). An indicator of the effectiveness of early diagnosis and prediction of odontogenic organ failure was assessed (when the patient entered the hospital). Results. Between the involvement of deep cellular spaces of the maxillofacial region and the presence of organ failure there is a direct dependence. In patients with organ failure, lesions of 4 or more cellular spaces are most often observed. Discussion. To determine the high probability of development of organ failure, it is possible to study the number of involved cell spaces and / or the depth of lesion. For more purposeful observation, this technique should not be used in isolation, but must be combined with other methods of effective diagnosis. The conclusion. Phlegmon, which spreads to 4 or more cellular spaces, and / or involves the deep cellular spaces of the maxillofacial region, the cellular spaces of the neck, the mediastinum, is characterized by a high risk of organ failure.

About the authors

Alexander L. Gromov

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery State budget educational establishment of higher professional education «Kursk State Medical University», of the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation

Cand. Med. Sci., docent of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery State budget educational establishment of higher professional education «Kursk State Medical University» 305041, Kursk

M. A Gubin

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery State budget educational establishment of higher professional education «Kursk State Medical University», of the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation

305041, Kursk

S. V Ivanov

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery State budget educational establishment of higher professional education «Kursk State Medical University», of the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation

305041, Kursk

D. S Tishkov

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery State budget educational establishment of higher professional education «Kursk State Medical University», of the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation

305041, Kursk


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