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The clinical picture of many systemic diseases (SD) could make its debut in the maxillofacial area with salivary gland lesions. Sjogren’s sicca syndrome, IgG4-related diseases, sarcoidosis, viral hepatitis - C, primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, as well as complications of the plurality of abnormalities in the form of lymphoproliferative diseases including AL-amyloidosis and B-cell lymphomas of different malignant tumors. The main diagnostic criteria in this case are the data of histological and immunohistochemistry studies of affected tissues. The aim of this publication is to analyze literature data on the pathological changes developing in salivary glands at different SD. The question about the diagnostic value of limphoplazmatsitarny infiltrate detected in the salivary gland biopsy materials SD and its influence on the prognosis and course of pathological process remains open. Conclusions: salivary glands biopsy has played a significant role in the early diagnosis and follow-up of patients with a variety of SD occurring with salivary gland lesions and such research studies have been required to continue.

About the authors

Ekaterina Borisovna Rodionova

FGBNU «Research Institute of Rheumatology named by V.A. Nasonova»

cand. med. sci., dental therapist 115522, Moscow


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