Combined application of erbium and diode lasers under the control of the operating microscope in the treatment of patients with periapical lesions

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Combined application of erbium and diode lasers under the control of the operating microscope during the treatment of patients with periapical lesions The aimimproving the quality of surgical treatment of patients with periapical lesions by means of laser technology and dental microscope. We performed examination and surgical treatment of 67 patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and radicular cyst. 31 patients cystectomy surgery performed with a scalpel and rotary instruments in 36 patients, surgery cystectomy was performed using erbium and diode lasers under the control of an operating microscope. To identify structural changes of the dentin of the resected root surface of the tooth depending on the radiation power of the diode laser the technique of scanning electron microscopy of resected and treated with diode laser root surface of teeth with a capacity of 1.5 watts and 0. 4 watts was performed. The radiation of the diode laser provides a process of obliteration of the dentinal tubules, thereby reducing their microleakage, but the use of a lower power setting helps to reduce the risks of destructive changes in the periapical region. According to clinical, radiological methods, the use of erbium and diode lasers can reduce the tissue trauma during surgery, reduction of postoperative collateral oedema, and pain, until absence, reduction of terms of epithelialization and rehabilitation ofpatients. Assistance with the operating microscope allows to clearly identify the lesion and to perform minimally invasive impact on tissue in the surgical site, which in turn ensures the safety of the causal teeth, and their long life in the postoperative period. Combined application of erbium and diode lasers under the control ofan operating microscope during cystectomy may improve the quality of surgical treatment ofpatients with periapical lesions.

About the authors

Svetlana Viktorovna Tarasenko

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University»

dr. med. sciences, prof. 199911, Moscow

R. R Piyamov

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University»

199911, Moscow

E. A Morozova

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University»

199911, Moscow


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