Evaluation of the connective tissue graft with the autologous vascular stromal fraction of lipoaspirate to gingival recession treatment (a 10-year observation)

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Material and methods: In present study evaluated long-term results of connective tissue graft with the autologous lipoaspirate vascular stromal fraction (VSF), without the expansion in vitro, in the treatment ofIB and IIB Classes gingival recessions (test group). In the control group the VSF was not used. Thirty-six somatically healthy patients aged 31.4 ± 11.7 years, 105 recession-type defects were available for the 2,6 and 10-year recall. Efficacy parameters included the tissue recession level (TR), the probing depth of gingival sulcus (PD), width of keratinized gingiva (KTw), clinical attachment level (CAL), percentage of root coverage (RC) and patient esthetically satisfaction were detected. Results: After 10 years, the achieved level of root coverage at 80-100% was detected in 46 of 52 cases in the test, and in 11 cases out of 37 in the control group. The KTw in the test group was 6.3 mm vs 4.9 mm in the control group. CAL was remained at the achieved level (5.1 mm), as for the control group, the regression of this parameterfrom 2.8 mm in 2 years to 2.0 mm in 10 years. PD remained within normal value throughout the observation period. In addition, the use of VSF capable of modifying the regenerated tissue biotype, which affects the degree of patient satisfaction - 96% satisfied with the results vs 87% in the control. For a long-term research, the negative influence of the residual risk factors to the tissue recessions was detected: in these cases the CAL reduced to 3.5 mm in the test group, and this structure completely regressed in the control group. Conclusions: The use of cellular-assisted surgery to the gingival recession showed a 3-fold greater efficiency. Risk factors for progression of recession-type defects must be detected and corrected prior surgical treatment.

About the authors

M. D Perova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kuban State Medical University»

Кафедра стоматологии ФПК и ППС ГБОУ ВПО, кафедра ортопедической стоматологии 350063, Krasnodar, Russia

N. V Lapina

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Kuban State Medical University»

Кафедра стоматологии ФПК и ППС ГБОУ ВПО, кафедра ортопедической стоматологии 350063, Krasnodar, Russia

Elena Alexandrovna Fomicheva

Municipal budgetary health-care institution Dental polyclinic №3

Email: roman.fomichev@yandex.ru
kand. med. sci., Municipal budgetary health-care institution Dental polyclinic № 3 350078, Krasnodar, Russia

V. B Karpyuk

Plastic surgery clinic «Chalet Sante»

350020, Krasnodar, Russia

A. V Tropina

Municipal budgetary health-care institution Dental polyclinic №3

350078, Krasnodar, Russia

A. A Vziatyshev

Municipal budgetary health-care institution Dental polyclinic №3

350078, Krasnodar, Russia


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