The analysis of postoperative complications with the use of modern technologies of osteosynthesis of the lower plate of four-jaw position (to the 130th anniversary of the development hausmann first plate pla stin for fixation of fragments of the lower jaw)

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Made a retrospective study of 82 medical records of patients regarding complications that developed in the post-operative period, after the holding plate osteosynthesis for fractures of the lower jaw. Were analyzed only the patients, who had severe concomitant injuries and somatic diseases. The results of the study showed that only 6 (7,3%) people identified purely technical reasons, which could cause complications. The vast majority (92,7%) of the cases the cause-and-effect relationship preslei of her fond memory quite clearly. Among the defects that can lead to complications, found the following: Pro-free location of plate plates without taking into account the location ofpower lines of osteosynthesis, the use of failure-the exact number of screws; inappropriate choice of clip (the use of mini-plates in the presence of a defect in one or even both cortical plates); the loss of stability of the screw in the bone under the influence of functional loads; damage to the drill tooth roots or the inferior alveolar canal nerve. Disocclusion developed as the inadequate matching of bone fragments, and resulting in secondary dislocation of bone fragments as a result of the vie inadequate fixation. Discussion to date the question remains about the number and location of fixed-Sattorov with the localization of fracture in the angle of the mandible. The results of the present study and the literature review show that the location of one mini-plate at the alveolar edge does not provide the necessary stability of the connection of bone fragments. On the basis of obtained results it is concluded that the likelihood of complications in the postoperative period can be substantially reduced by the introduction of the regulation of the operation of the osteosynthesis of the lower jaw, justified from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

About the authors

Aleksandr S. Pankratov

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University»

Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the chair for hospital surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery GOU VPO First state medical University Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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