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The purpose of the study - the study of the relationship of verbal and nonverbal intelligence with the physiological parameters of decision-making at the school in the age range 11-18 years. To study the structure of intelligence intelligent use group test (HIT) and the test structure of intelligence R. Amthauera. Assessment of individual results in these methods is carried out using an empirically selected age norm in points. An objective assessment of decision-making in a variety of environmental conditions carried out using a computer complex for psychophysiological research KPFK - 99 "Psihomat." The study was conducted in the modes of "Free Choice", "Probabilistic choice", "Controlled Choice". The modality of stimulus in all three modes - light. The results were subjected to statistical analysis by means of statistical analysis software package SPSS. To study the structure of the relationship of verbal and nonverbal intelligence and decision-making strategies in the age aspect in each age group was conducted correlation analysis with a preliminary estimate of the distribution features of normality, calculated the Pearson linear correlation coefficient (Pearson Correlation). Correlation models are based on matrices, analyzed the number of relationships, taking into consideration only the average (0,3 < r < 0,7) and strong (r > 0,7) bond. The results of correlation analysis revealed the existence of statistically significant relationships physiological parameters and decision-making structure of the intellect. These relationships are found in a free, probabilistic and deterministic environments. The study of the number and structure of the relationships among pupils aged 11-18 revealed that the correlation models are age and gender characteristics. Identify the structure of intelligence relationships with psychophysiological indicators allows further study of psychophysiological mechanisms of decision-making in different age categories.

About the authors

T V Volokitina

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

доктор биологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры специальной педагогики и психологии института педагогики и психологии Arkhangelsk, Russia

E V Popova

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Arkhangelsk, Russia

T V Bagretsova

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Arkhangelsk, Russia

N V Ermakova

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



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