Vol 30, No 11 (2023)


Psychosocial stress and its consequences among modern university students: the megalopolis factor

Rozanov V.A., Laskaja D.A., Radionov D.S., Ruzhenkova V.V.


BACKGROUND: Students, who comprise a significant proportion of society, are a vulnerable group that often experiences high levels of stress, affecting their psychological well-being. At the same time, students’ stress has to be assessed comprehensively, taking into account various factors such as living conditions and academic demands,

AIM: To assess the psychosocial stress and psychological well-being of students, taking into account the characteristics of the university and the urban environment, whether it is a megalopolis or a regional center.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among students from St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and Belgorod State University (BSU) using an online survey method with a snowball sampling technology. The survey questionnaire aimed to gather both qualitative and quantitative data on key stressors, indicators of psychosocial maladaptation and mental health issues using the DASS-21 scale. The collected data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics v. 27.

RESULTS: Students at SPbSU exhibited more pronounced signs of psychological distress, such as anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness, fatigue, and a need for psychological assistance. They also, reported facing challenges in in their daily lives, including issues with nutrition and transportation. Additionally, they were more likely to use nonproductive coping mechanisms, such as excessive use of social media and engaging in addictive behaviors. On the other hand, the students at BSU demonstrated a closer and more trusting relationship with their parents, as well as and higher level of financial dependence on their families. However, as for main indicators of academic stress, particularly in relation to the use of online technologies during the pandemic, there were no significant differences between the students of both universities.

CONCLUSION: The influence of living in a megalopolis is likely to be the primary factor contributing to the observed disparities in psychosocial maladaptation among the surveyed student populations. More attention should be paid to the adaptation of students to life in large cities, with a focus on support from families and university administrations.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):805-820
pages 805-820 views

Analytical monitoring of harmful chemicals in the air of the working area of main pipeline transport facilities for oil and petroleum products

Badikova A.D., Ibragimov I.G., Beigul N.A., Karimova L.K., Sahibgareev S.R., Khusainova I.A., Sakhibgareeva Y.M., Muldasheva N.A.


RATIONALE: At main pipeline transport facilities, the entry of harmful chemicals into the air of the working area can negatively affect the body of workers. The absence in the existing regulatory documents of clearly formulated criteria for the selection of specific harmful chemical compounds to control their content, especially if they are a multicomponent mixture, introduces certain difficulties in identifying pollutants in the air of the work area. The presence of criteria will allow the employer to correctly draw up a production program, the frequency of laboratory tests to obtain more objective and reliable information about the potential harmful effects of chemicals on workers and timely take measures to prevent their negative effects.

AIM: Justification of the list of harmful substances for analytical monitoring of their content in the air of the working area of main pipeline transport facilities for oil and petroleum products.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the air in the working area was carried out at 12 oil pumping stations and 5 oil product pumping stations located in Russia.

RESULTS: Using chromatography-mass spectrometry, the composition of the gas-air environment formed as a result of oil evaporation was determined, which made it possible to determine a list of harmful chemicals for further planned analytical monitoring of their content in the air of the working area. 

CONCLUSION: Sampling should be carried out in places with the highest probability of gas emissions into the air. When transporting oil, it is necessary to establish strict analytical control at workplaces over the content of aliphatic saturated hydrocarbons C2-C10, dihydrosulfide mixed with hydrocarbons, benzene in the air, when pumping petroleum products - benzene, gasoline or kerosene, i.e. depending on the type of petroleum product transported. 

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):821-832
pages 821-832 views

Cardiohemodynamic responses and heart rate variability following an active orthostatic test among male residents of the North with different NOS3 (rs2070744) genotypes

Bezmenova I.N., Averyanova I.V.


AIM: This study explored associations between the -786T>C (rs2070744) genetic polymorphism of the NOS3 gene and the main indices of systemic hemodynamics and heart rate variability following an active orthostatic test in men living in the North.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty-three healthy men aged 33.5±1.5 yеаrs on average, who were permanent residents of the Magadan Region, comprised the sample. The participants underwent both resting and active orthostatic testing modes. Cardiovascular system variables were recorded using an automatic tonometer. Hemodynamic indices were then calculated. Short-term heart rate variability in frequency and spectral areas was simultaneously measured using the Varikard hard&soft complex unit. Genotyping was conducted using polymerase chain reaction. The sample was then divided into two groups: Group 1 consisted of homozygotes with the TT genotype (n=34), while Group 2 comprised carriers of the NOS3*C allele variant (genotypes TC+CC) associated with reduced nitric oxide production (n=49).

RESULTS: By examining the complex vasomotor, chrono- and inotropic reactions of hemodynamic and heart rate variables during the active orthostatic test, we were able to discern unique patterns in the response of the two groups under study. Men in Group 1 demonstrated an elevated cardiac output response during orthostatic changes, while maintaining consistent vascular resistance values. This was accompanied by a shift towards sympathetic autonomic activity and an increase in the very low-frequency component of heart rate variability. In Group 2, individuals with sympathetic insufficiency and increased vascular resistance during the orthostatic test showed a 35% increase in the low-frequency component of the cardiac rhythm reflecting the importance of this indicator as a stimulator of blood pressure rhythm fluctuations mediated by baroreflex mechanisms.

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that men lacking the NOS3*С allele variant in their genotype demonstrate more favorable responses to the active orthostatic test. This may reflect higher level of cardiovascular functional reserves. The 786T>C (rs2070744) polymorphism of the NOS3 gene can be considered as a marker of cardiohemodynamic status and autonomic regulations during functional exercise, such as an active orthostatic test.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):833-845
pages 833-845 views

Gender and age-specific patterns of ambulance calls in Khanty-Mansiysk depending on the epidemiological situation

Ragozin O.N., Gudkov A.B., Shalamova E.Y., Pogonysheva I.A., Ragozinа E.R., Pogonyshev D.A.


BACKGROUND: The number of ambulance calls serves as an objective indicator of the disruption in population health associated with maladaptation or an increase in health disorders in harsh conditions of the North. This becomes especially apparent when the epidemiological situation shifts, highlighting the importance of this issue.

AIM: To study the gender- and age-specific patterns of emergency calls for ambulance services in the population of Khanty-Mansiysk during varying epidemiological conditions using long-term monitoring data.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data on daily counts of ambulance calls was obtained from the for the period from 2015 to 2021 stratified by age and gender. The data were analyzed using wavelet analysis.

RESULTS: When analyzing gender disparities during a pandemic, the coefficient representing the ratio of calls made by women to men decreased as the number of calls made by men increased. The distribution of calls by age revealed two distinct risk groups: young children and older adults. During the pandemic, there were no significant qualitative changes in the distribution of calls. Several scenarios of desynchronosis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic were identified. In infants, the changes in the epidemiological situation did not affect constant rhythms. The changes in the constant circadian rhythms to long-term and intercalary intra-annual rhythms were observed among children and youth. In adolescents and young adults, the pandemic acted as a synchronizer. In older age-groups, the circadian rhythms were maintained throughout the entire period. The period of the pandemic was characterized by addition of rhythms with a shorter period.

CONCLUSION: The distribution of ambulance calls across age-groups is characterized by the presence of two distinct risk groups — early childhood and the 2nd adult age. During the pandemic, the structure of calls did not demonstrate qualitative changes. The COVID-19 pandemic was a desynchronizing factor in the temporal structure of health disorders affecting long-term and near-annual rhythms and inducing the intercalary intra-annual rhythms.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):847-856
pages 847-856 views

Adaptive immune response in women from the Russian Arctic region after COVID-19 infection

Shashkova E.Y., Shchegoleva L.S., Filippova O.E., Popovskaya E.V., Sergeeva T.B.


BACKGROUND: The Arctic region of Russia is characterized by disproportionately high rates of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 during the pandemic. The harsh climatic and environmental conditions in this area impede the development of self-regulation processes resulting in activation and strain of both cellular and humoral immunity. This leads to a depletion of the body’s reserve capacities. At present, there is lack of research examining how individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 are affected by the extreme conditions of Arctic Russia.

AIM: To study the ratio of immunocompetent cells involved in the adaptive immune response following COVID-19 infection.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 29 women aged 20 – 40 years were examined in Arkhangelsk as part of a comprehensive immunological study. This study involved assessment of the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, and their phenotypes (CD5+, CD8+, CD10+, CD95+), as well as determination of phagocytic activity and phagocytic number.

RESULTS: The cellular adaptive immune response in observed individuals 6 months after experiencing moderate COVID-19 disease was characterized by a very low concentration of T cells (CD5+) in all cases, CD10+ lymphocytes (44.83%) alongside with a high concentration of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8+) in 48.27% of individuals and lymphocytes with receptors for apoptosis (CD95+) in 51.72%, with relatively high phagocytic activity ranging from 90 to 100%. A correlation was found in 11.29% of women between the low content of CD10+ and CD95+ cells with the activity of phagocytosis. In 40% of women with high phagocytic activity, the concentrations of cytotoxic cells (CD8+) were found to be at a minimum level.

CONCLUSIONS: Women with high phagocytic activity were found to have the lowest concentrations of cytotoxic cells, suggesting a potentially positive prognosis for reducing the risk of complications. This indicates that cellular immunity may play a role in determining the severity of COVID-19 infection in individuals with high phagocytic activity.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):857-863
pages 857-863 views

Spatial distribution of parameters of auditory cognitive evoked potentials P300 in young adults with myopia

Zelentsov R.N., Poskotinova L.V., Kozhevnikova I.S.


BACKGROUND: Myopia typically presents itself between the ages of 18 and 29, affecting both women (35%) and men (59.9%). The prevalence of impaired accommodation and refraction in modern individuals can be attributed to the increased strain on visual sensory systems resulting from the widespread digitalization of various aspects of human life. This increased strain poses a potential risk for alterations in cortical processes related to perception and information processing, increasing the risk of cognitive impairment.

AIMS: To study the differences in the characteristics of evoked potentials P300 in 21–23 years old individuals with myopia compared to those without ophthalmic pathology.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: An ophthalmological examination was conducted on a group of young individuals aged 21–23 years (average age 22.3±0.1 years) residing in the city of Arkhangelsk. The participants were university students, totaling 54 individuals of both genders (34 females and 20 males). During the examination, uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity, and clinical refraction value (in diopters) were assessed for each participant, along with qualitative changes. Additionally, the reserve of relative accommodation (in diopters) was estimated based on the results of the accommodation study. The study sample consisted of 32 participants without ophthalmic pathology and 22 individuals diagnosed with myopia. The parameters of cognitive evoked auditory potential P300 were measured using an electroencephalograph «NeuronSpectrum- 4/VPM» (Neurosoft, Russia) in both groups. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software package.

RESULTS: Students with myopia had longer decision-making times compared to individuals with normal vision, as indicated by auditory evoked potentials P300. This effect was observed in the temporal, mid-frontal, and left frontal regions of the brain. Additionally, the anterior-occipital gradient of P300 amplitude was attenuated, with a high amplitude P300 in the left occipital region.

CONCLUSION: Assessment of myopia should be complemented with an examination of the functional status of the cerebral cortex. Extended auditory processing time, activation of both hemispheres and involvement of the occipital regions during the processing of auditory information may be a result of functional reorganization of the cerebral cortex in individuals with myopia.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(11):865-874
pages 865-874 views

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