Vol 30, No 8 (2023)


Renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphism and aging

Bebyakova N.A., Levitsky S.N., Shabalina I.A., Komandresova T.M., Kudryavtsev A.V.


A personalized healthy aging program, aimed at preservation of functional capacities in old ages, should consider genetic (hereditary) factors that determine the structure and functions of body organs and systems, and their age-related changes. Individual genetic characteristics of a person can influence the aging process. For this reason, recent research focuses on identifying genetic mechanisms of aging and longevity associated with multifactorial diseases. Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) contributes to the development of pathological conditions leading to cardiovascular diseases, cognitive changes, disorders of auditory and visual analyzers, and may determine the preservation of functional capacities in older adults. We present a literature review of the role of the RAS gene polymorphisms in the aging processes. The results of the synthesis of Russian and international literature indicated the contribution of polymorphic variants of the angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), and angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AGTR1) genes to the development of pathological conditions and the associated decreases in functional capacities of an elderly person. Testing for these polymorphisms can be of a practical importance for personified health assessment and development of timely preventive interventions aimed at improving life expectancy and quality of life among older adults.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):571-587
pages 571-587 views


Expression of cell cycle genes among the residents of settlements along the Techa River exposed to ionizing radiation in utero

Nikiforov V.S., Blinova E.A., Akleyev A.V.


BACKGROUND: The period of intrauterine development is highly susceptible to the effects of ionizing radiation. While the consequences of radiation exposure during pregnancy are not yet fully understood, it is believed that individuals exposed to ionizing radiation in utero are at a greater risk of long-term health consequences.

AIM: To analyze the expression of mRNA of cell cycle genes (TP53, MDM2, CDKN1A, ATM) in individuals exposed during intrauterine development to chronic radiation exposure after the Techa River accident.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted over 60–70 years after the onset of chronic radiation exposure in a group of 170 individuals. Among them, 54 individuals were exposed to radiation during both prenatal and postnatal periods of development, while 80 individuals were exposed to chronic radiation after birth. The comparison group consisted of 36 individuals living in similar socio-economic conditions, with a lifetime cumulative dose of red bone marrow radiation not exceeding 70 mGy.

RESULTS: Individuals residing in coastal villages along the Techa River, who were exposed to radiation during both the prenatal and postnatal stages of development, experience a reduction in the relative mRNA content of the MDM2 and CDKN1A genes compared to the control group and individuals who were exposed to chronic radiation after birth. The results of the correlation analysis indicate that there is no association between changes in mRNA expression of the studied genes and the accumulated absorbed dose of intrauterine and postnatal exposure of red bone marrow.

CONCLUSION: The reduced transcriptional activity of the MDM2 and CDKN1A genes in individuals exposed to chronic radiation in utero may play a role in the development of long-term effects of radiation exposure in humans.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):589-599
pages 589-599 views

Features of bioelectric brain activity of 18–22 years old male students with internet addiction

Tolstoguzov S.S., Fisher T.A.


BACKGROUND: Excessive use of the Internet for entertainment or aimless activities often results in the development of Internet addiction.

AIM: To study bioelectrical activity of the brain in young men aged 18–22 with Internet addiction using the EEG spectral analysis data. Specifically, the analysis will focus on the full spectrum power and rhythm indices.

METHODS: The study involved 61 volunteers who were students in their first or second year of full-time education at the University of Tyumen (UTMN). These volunteers were young men with an average age of 19.63±1.27 years and were residents of Tyumen and the Tyumen region. To categorize the participants, the Chen method (CIAS) was used to divide them into two groups: Internet addicts and a control group. A background EEG was recorded using 16 standard leads. A spectral analysis of the EEG was then conducted, focusing on the total power of the spectrum, the power of the spectrum in the alpha range (µV2), and the rhythm index. The groups were compared using Mann–Whitney U-test.

RESULTS: EEG Type 1 was found in 86% of individuals with addiction. This type exhibited an alpha rhythm structure that was well-organized in both time and space. Additionally, it displayed pronounced spindles. EEG Type 2 was observed in 14% of addicted students. It was characterized by hypersynchronous alpha activity, which was weakly modulated or not modulated into spindles. It also exhibited high Rhythm Index values. In the control group of young men, three types of normal EEG organization were identified. Most of the controls (69%) displayed an organized Type 1 pattern. Eight percent exhibited a hypersynchronous Type 2 pattern. The remaining 23% showed a desynchronous Type 3 pattern, which was characterized by a low representation of the alpha-component. Instead, theta- and beta1-rhythms were noted. When comparing the total power of the spectrum in the main frequency ranges (0.5–35 Hz), higher values were observed in the group of individuals addicted to the Internet, as compared to the control group. Specifically, the left anterior frontal Fp1 (U=210; Z=2.04; p=0.049), right parietal P4 (U=215; Z=2.07; p=0.049), right and left occipital O1 (U=180; Z=2.76; p=0.006), O2 (U=187; Z=2.64; p=0.008), left temporal T3 (U=230; Z=1.92; p=0.050), and left posterior temporal T5 (U=201; Z=2.41; p=0.015) leads exhibited significantly higher values.

CONCLUSION: The bioelectrical activity patterns of the brains of UTMN male students addicted to the Internet indicate a developed stage of the addictive process. During this stage, there are no significant negative EEG manifestations of Internet addiction. This can be attributed to the adaptive mechanisms that have developed in these individuals because of their lifestyle.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):601-610
pages 601-610 views

Immunological and genetic profile of the pediatric population in the nitrate geochemical province

Dolgikh O.V., Dianova D.G., Kazakova O.A.


BACKGROUND: Contamination of groundwater with nitrates may result in substantial adverse effects on the health of various population groups.

AIM: To study the immune status and genetic profile of children residing in the nitrate geochemical province in the Perm Region.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a study on a total of 78 preschool children residing in areas with varying levels of nitrate in the underground drinking water sources. The children were divided into two groups for comparison purposes. The first group consisted of 43 children who consumed drinking water that met the acceptable standards for nitrate content. The second group comprised 35 children who consumed drinking water with elevated levels of nitrates. To assess the impact of nitrate content on the children’s health, several measurements were taken. Firstly, the level of nitrates in the household drinking water was analyzed. Additionally, the concentration of N-nitrosamines and nitrate ions in the children’s urine, was determined. To evaluate the immunoregulation parameters, the technology of flow cytometry and enzyme immunoassay were employed, along with PCR to examine genetic polymorphisms.

RESULTS: A statistically significant difference (p <0.001) was observed in the nitrate content of drinking water between the observation area and the comparison area, with the former showing levels 2.8 times higher. Furthermore, children in the observation group exhibited a significant increase (p <0.05) of 2.3 times in N-nitrosodiethylamine content and 1.6 times in nitrate ion concentration in their urine compared to children in the comparison group. In addition, the observation group displayed a significant decrease (p <0.05) in the number of NKT cells and an increase in the levels of CD3+CD25+-, CD3+CD95+-cells, bax, IL-17, Annexin V-FITC+PI-, and Annexin V-FITC+PI+-lymphocytes, when compared to the results obtained from the comparison group. Moreover, the presence of polymorphisms in candidate genes associated with tumor formation (CYP1A1 (rs1048943), MMP9 (rs17576), PPARD (rs2016520), BRCA1 G/A (rs3950989)) was also identified.

CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that children who are exposed to chronic low-levels of nitrates (at a concentration of 1.2 MPC) through drinking water from underground sources exhibit an excessive presence of N-nitrosodiethylamine and nitrate ions in their urine. These findings, in conjunction with the genetic profile of genes responsible for tumor formation, influences the characteristics of the immune response.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):611-621
pages 611-621 views

Physical and geographical correlates of deviant behavior

Mulik A.B., Shatyr Y.A., Ulesikova I.V., Yusupov V.V., Zubenko A.I., Soloviev A.G., Nazarov N.O.


AIM: To study the potential role of physical environmental factors in the development of deviant behavior in population groups residing in different territories.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: At the initial phase of the study, we identified the key physical and geographical factors of the environment and assessed the indicators of social and criminal tension in 14 regions of Russia. In total, 1815 male and female students, aged 18–28 years, who were native residents of the selected regions, participated in the field research. During the field stage, the psychological state of the participants was assessed using the Freiburg multifactorial personality questionnaire. This assessment included evaluating character accentuations, suggestibility, frustration, irritability, adventurousness, as well as social activity and destructiveness. Additionally, the participants’ «prosociality-asociality» and type of behavioral activity (A–B) were examined. The subjects’ experience with psychoactive substances was self-reported. Associations between the variables were studied by correlation analysis.

RESULTS: The average annual temperature was inversely associated with crime rates (p=0.012), number of abortions (p=0.0001), degree of alcoholization (p=0.004), and the proportion of smokers (p=0.011) in the population. Positive correlations were observed between annual temperature, and the level of narcotic substances consumption (p=0.05 and p=0.23 for men and women, respectively), spontaneous aggressiveness (p=0.63 and p=0.024), frustration (p=0.63 and p=0.024), irritability (p=0.068 and p=0.004), asociality (p=0.004 and p=0.247). Lower temperatures were associated with, greater single dose of alcohol (p=0.086 and p=0.033 in men and women, respectively), suggestibility (p=0.189 and p=0.049), emotivity (p=0.21 and p=0.05). The comfort of the environment was inversely associated with suicide rates (p=0.039). In men, comfort was positively associated with consumption of narcotic substances (p=0.05), reactive aggressiveness (p=0.024), irritability (p=0.041), asociality (p=0.011), adventurism (p=0.001), and severity of cardiotype A (p=0.018) while political activity correlated inversely with comfort (p=0.035).

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that physical and geographical factors correlate with social, psychological and behavioral deviations among Russian students.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):623-637
pages 623-637 views


Targeted approach to assessing the impact of living conditions and social factors of the habitat on the medico-demographic status of rural territories in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Dudarev A.A., Dozhdikov A.V.


BACKGROUND: According to the Federal Law “On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being of the Population” the “environmental factors that have or may have an impact on humans and on health of future generations” along with chemical, physical and biological factors, also include “social factors". Within framework of section “State of Public Health in Connection with the State of Natural Environment and Living Conditions” of the system of state sanitary and epidemiological regulation, a significant number of normative and methodological documents have been approved aimed at assessing the impact of chemical, physical and biological environmental factors on population health, while not a single document has been developed concerning “social factors of habitat” or “living conditions”. In the “Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) until 2035” , the “main dangers, challenges and threats that form risks for development of AZRF” include clear signs of deterioration in medico-demographic situation, where, along with migration outflow, reduction of population number, high mortality rate, “lag behind all-Russian values of indicators characterizing quality of life”, poor state of social, housing, communal, transport infrastructure were noted.

OBJECTIVES: development of the concept of “living conditions” as a set of “social factors of habitat” formed by “social infrastructure” of a settlement; development of conceptual model of determinants of human health, indicating place of living conditions (social infrastructure) in the frame of habitat; scientific substantiation of concept of “harmful effects of social factors of habitat”; development of targeted approach to assessing the impact of living conditions on medico-demographic status of rural areas of AZRF using scoring system for assessing living conditions, which makes it possible to rank individual villages according to the value of infrastructure indices and the integral index of living conditions (IILC).

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Implementation in practice of the proposed targeted methodological approach will make it possible to scientifically substantiate the need to take differentiated measures (managerial decisions) in relation to the identified “risk territorie”, “risk group”, and “risk pathologies”, aimed at improving living conditions, preserving public health, ensuring sanitary-epidemiological well-being, reducing the intensity of negative trends in demographic processes in the regions of AZRF.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2023;30(8):639-653
pages 639-653 views

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