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The aim is to assess oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and factors associated with OHRQoL among the students of the medical university. Methods. The cross-sectional study included 308 Russian speaking third year students aged 19-25 years from the Faculty of General Medicine, Paediatrics, Preventive Medicine and Dentistry of the Northern State Medical University (NSMU), Arkhangelsk, Russian Arctic. The Oral Health (OH) Impact Profile (OHIP-14) was used to measure OHRQoL. Information on socio-demographic factors, self-esteem of tooth and gingiva health, OH behaviour, and diet was obtained from the OH Questionnaire for adults (World Health Organization, 2013). Pearson's chi-square test and multivariable Poisson regression with robust estimate of dispersion were used for statistical analysis. Results: 33,8 % and 18,5 % of students had poor dentition and gingiva, respectively. 39,0 % of students consumed sweet pies/buns more than once a week; 39.0 % of students reported on low OHRQoL. The highest mean scores OHIP-14 were found for the dimensions "physical pain" and "psychological discomfort": 1.59 (95 % confidence interval (CI): 1.43-1.75) and 0.84 (95 % CI: 0.70-0.98), respectively. Female sex (prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.73, 95 % CI: 1.23-2.45), poor self-esteem of teeth health (PR = 2.32, 95 % CI: 1.77-3.04), and sweet pies/buns consumption more than once a week (PR = 1.39, 95 % CI: 1.07-1.80), were all significantly and independently associated with low OHRQoL. Conclusions: Relatively high prevalence of low OHRQoL was observed in the examined students. Female sex, poor self-esteem of teeth health and frequent consumption of sweet pies/buns were associated with low OHRQoL. To enhance OHRQoL in Russian students, the preventive strategies for dental diseases and diet improvement should be implemented.

About the authors

V. A. Popov

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

P. S. Vyborova

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

A. A. Gordienko

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

R. I. Moseev

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

T. N. Yushmanova

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

M. A. Gorbatova

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

S. N. Drachev

Northern State Medical University; UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Email: drachevsn@mail.ru
PhD, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры ортопедической стоматологии; исследователь института клинической стоматологии Arkhangelsk, Russia; Tromso, Norway


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Copyright (c) 2020 Popov V.A., Vyborova P.S., Gordienko A.A., Moseev R.I., Yushmanova T.N., Gorbatova M.A., Drachev S.N.

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