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The objective of the article is to substantiate the pre-nosological syndrome of mental immunodispersion (SMIDis), which reflects the violation of the autochthonous rhythm of the "evolutionary pendulum of consciousness" in the path of ontogenetic and phylogenetic development. SMIDis is characterized by multidirectional changes in the functions of mental immunity (MI) as a matrix of identity and interface of consciousness. SMIDis is the universal dysfunctional basis of all psychopathological (including addictogenic) and psychosomatic (including COVID-19) diatheses, the further possible development of which is determined by the balance of the genome/ epigenome and menom/epimenom. It substantiates the possibility of building the entire psychopathology according to a single gradient of the dysontogenetic continuum, which is a counterfeit of mental evolution. Violation of the ontogenetic mechanism of mental immunomodulation, manifested by MI dysfunctions, triggers the symptom formation of epidemic (mental, psychosomatic and other) disorders. It is suggested to refer COVID-19 to a mental pandemic that is aimed to phylogenetically change the civilizational identity of humanity. The non-reducibility and non-supervenience of consciousness are increasingly becoming a mirror image of psychiatry's supervenient reductionism in its crisis half-life into DSM and ICD. This requires a radical revision of the, figuratively speaking, neuronavigation of Consciousness as the Brain of the World.

About the authors

P. I. Sidorov

Northern State Medical University

академик РАН, главный научный сотрудник ЦНИЛ Arkhangelsk, Russia


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