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In our research, 81 fishermen have been examined in order to study the dynamics of physiological characteristics during the 6-month voyage in the Arctic winter climatic conditions on one of the ships of the Arkhangelsk Trawler Fleet. It has been detected that ship work professional experience growth led to increased impact of the sympathetic vegetative nervous system on cardiac rhythm. The dynamics of indices describing the vegetative nervous system functional state concerning the cardiac rhythm depended significantly on the age of the fishermen and the voyage period.

About the authors

S Grigor'evna Khugaeva

Northern State Medical University

Email: Zhuvr@mail.ru
научный сотрудник НИИ морской медицины Arkhangelsk

I M Boyko

Northern State Medical University


S V Marunyak

Northern State Medical University


I G Mosyagin

Northern State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2012 Khugaeva S.G., Boyko I.M., Marunyak S.V., Mosyagin I.G.

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