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The extreme climatic and geographical northern conditions cause a human northern stress (“the polar tension syndrome”). The main components of this syndrome are an oxidative stress, failure of detoxication processes and barrier organs, disorders of the northern metabolism, the northern tissue hypoxia, immune insufficiency, blood hypercoagulation, polyendocrine disorders, regenerative and plastic failure, electromagnetic homeostasis disorders, functional dissymmetry of interhemispheric interrelations, desynchronosis, psychoemotional tension, meteopathia. It has been shown that chronic stress caused organism reserve exhaustion leading to development of some dysaptative disorders and pathological states.

About the authors

V I Hasnulin

Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Siberian Branch RAMS

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, руководитель лаборатории механизмов дизадаптации Novosibirsk

P V Hasnulin

Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Siberian Branch RAMS



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