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The study aims at identifying the organizational and methodological aspects of family-centered care in a psychiatric hospital for children with suicidal behavior. The objectives of the study were to assess the readiness of the parents/legal representatives to participate in correctional and rehabilitation activities in the period of hospitalization of the child, identify the key needs of the family, to formulate practical recommendations on organizational and methodological issues of family-centered care for children with suicidal behavior. The study involved all the girls (57), hospitalized in January-October 2014 about suicidal symptoms in the only psychiatric children hospital in Moscow, and 98 of their parents/legal representatives. There were used anamnestic (including the study of family history a suicide), analysis if diseases histories, clinical and psychopathological methods, system analysis of the level of family functioning and parental questionnaire during the child's hospitalization. 98 % of the parents are willing to be involved in medical activities in a varying degree. Main needs of majority of families are as follows: "Information about the state of the child, especially the development, diagnosis and prospects" (98 %) and "Training in new forms of behavior and education, which can be used at home after discharge" (92 %). Methodological basis and recommendations on the formation of organizational conditions of family-centered medical care for children with suicidal behavior were obtained and stages of family therapy were described. Readiness and needs of the family to participate in correctional and rehabilitation activities in children suggests the need to include families into prevention and treatment of suicidal behavior in children. Implementation of the concept of family-centered health care for a child with suicidal behavior suggests revising the rules adopted in the practice of child psychiatrists, psychotherapists and medical aid organization as a whole. Using not only the rehabilitation potential of the child but also his micro-social environment (the family) creates conditions for qualitative changes in the prevention, treatment and social adaptation of children with suicidal symptoms.

About the authors

M A Bebchuk

Scientific-Practical Children's Mental Health Centre n. a. G. Sukhareva of Moscow City Department of Healthcare

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, директор Moscow


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