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Galloping growth of addictive disorders in the modern world of mental epidemics requires the improvement of existing models of prevention and protection. The article systematizes the characteristics and classification of addictions. Substantial discrepancies between official statistics and epidemiological studies on prevalence of addictions are shown, reflecting the unrealized potential of mental preventology. The isolation of the acquired mental immunodeficiency syndrome (AMIDS) as a polymorphic identity disorder is justified. The phenomenology of AMIDS in propaedeutics of mental medicine (MM) is described. The task of the primary addictological prevention is to increase the level of mental immunity (MI) as a biopsychosociospiritual identity matrix and the basis for the security of the individual and society. Mental security (MS) is the safe interaction of individual and social conscience with the environment. The MS accumulates and focuses MI resources and mental resilience registries that are measured and forecasted, modeled and managed by various mental health services (MHS). MHS is a synergetic ψ-cluster of the state and society that provides the MS. The task of forecasting and warning of threats to MS is performed by systemic monitoring of mental health, which is the interface of public conscience and the MHS tool. Groups of indicators of MS as protection of individual and public conscience from external and internal threats, including the risk assessment of the destructiveness of biogenesis and sociogenesis, psychogenesis and animogenesis, as well as systemic dysfunctions of MI are singled out. Abnormalities of MI functions that make up the clinical phenomenology of AMIDS in the pathogenesis of addictive disorders are systematized. The possibilities of the MI technological platform in the system approach to the prevention of addictations are substantiated, and the principles of the structural and functional development of the MHS are singled out. MM becomes one of the pilot models of the new resource support of the Russian public health system in the current crisis reality.

About the authors

P I Sidorov

ГБОУ ВПО «Северный государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk


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