Inflammatory response and its correction in forming a host response to exposure to adverse environmental factors




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This study systematically review knowledge about the mechanisms of formation of an inflammatory reaction under the influence of biological, physical, and chemical factors, their similarities and differences, and possible methods of pharmacological correction of pathological conditions associated with excessive activation. The effect of adverse environmental factors, such as biological, physical, and chemical factors, causes a systemic response, which is aimed at maintaining homeostasis and is caused, among other things, by a coordinated reaction of the immune system. Phlogogenic agents result in the activation and regulation of the inflammatory response, which is formed by cellular and humoral components of innate immunity. The activation of innate immunity is characterized by a rapid host response, which diminishes following the elimination of “foreign” invaders, endogenous killer cells, and neogenesis. Depending on the nature of the active factors (biopathogens, allergens, toxins, ionizing radiation, etc.), the mechanisms of immune response arousal have unique features mainly originating from the differences in the recognition of specific molecular patterns and “danger signals” by different receptors. However, inflammatory mediators and inflammatory response patterns at the systemic level are largely similar even under widely different triggers. Inflammation, having evolved as an adaptive reaction directed at the immune response, can lead to the development of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases due to a mismatch in mechanisms of its control. A “failure” in the regulation of the inflammatory process is the excessive activation of the immune system, which leads to the cytokine release syndrome (hypercytokinemia, or “cytokine storm”) and can cause self-damage (destruction) of tissues, multiple-organ failure, sepsis, and even death. Modern advances in the study of the pathogenetic bases of the inflammatory response are suggested, such as pharmacological correction using pattern recognition receptor antagonists, pro-inflammatory cytokine inhibitors, or blocking of key control genes or signaling pathways.


Denis Ponomarev

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

SPIN 代码: 3745-5748

candidate of biological sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Alexander Stepanov

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1917-2895
SPIN 代码: 7279-7055

doctor of medical sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Evgeny Ivchenko

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5582-1111
SPIN 代码: 5228-1527

doctor of medical sciences, associate professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg

Alexey Seleznev

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; North-western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4014-3973
SPIN 代码: 7853-3773

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg

Vasiliy Apchel

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov; A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7658-4856
SPIN 代码: 4978-0785
Scopus 作者 ID: 6507529350
Researcher ID: Е-8190-2019

doctor of medical sciences, professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg


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版权所有 © Ponomarev D.B., Stepanov A.V., Ivchenko E.V., Seleznev A.B., Apchel V.Y., 2022

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