The use of telemedicine in the organization and provision of medical care to patients in critical conditions

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Organizational issues of the interdepartmental application of telemedicine technologies in the provision of medical care to patients are considered. The most significant provisions of the concept of interdepartmental application of telemedicine technologies in the organization and provision of medical care to patients in critical conditions are presented. In addition, data on telemedicine consultations on federal districts of the Russian Federation performed by the federal level of health care in 2017 are shown, the frequency of emergency telemedicine consultations is revealed depending on the disease profile of patients or the specialty of a consulting physician. Prospects for the further introduction of telemedicine technologies into daily practical activities and the possibility of their adaptation to crisis situations and military conflicts are substantiated. It has been established that in various natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, terrorist acts and during military conflicts with a large number of victims, successful organization of medical care and medical evacuation is possible only when combined with the efforts of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of internal affairs and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. Thus, the adequate development of telemedicine systems will increase the level of their rational and effective interdepartmental use for the benefit of saving people as Russia’s human capital.

About the authors

S F Goncharov

Всероссийский центр медицины катастроф «Защита»


A Yu Fisun

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


A V Schegolev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


N N Baranova

Всероссийский центр медицины катастроф «Защита»


I P Shilkin

Всероссийский центр медицины катастроф «Защита»


B V Bobiy

Всероссийский центр медицины катастроф «Защита»


V V Shustrov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Goncharov S.F., Fisun A.Y., Schegolev A.V., Baranova N.N., Shilkin I.P., Bobiy B.V., Shustrov V.V.

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