Medical technology of early recovery of the ability to move independently after amputation of the lower limb

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Results of early restoration of the ability to independent movement after amputation of the lower extremities as possibilities of prevention of development of the complications connected with a hypodynamia for reduction of terms of medical rehabilitation and restoration of quality of life are presented. Preparation for prosthetics was carried out with the application of modern methods of medical physical culture according to four motor activity levels. For prevention of development of contractures of joints, decrease in the puffiness of tissues of a stump will be applied techniques of medical physical culture, orthopedic laying, elastic bandaging of a stump of a shin and hip, carrying compression elastic and polymeric (silicone) covers. For improvement of lympho-venous outflow, reduction of puffiness of soft fabrics and of a phantom pain syndrome elastic glue bandaging (a therapeutic adhesive tapes) of a stump is shown. Non-drug treatment of phantom pain syndrome is especially relevant at contraindications, intolerance the patient of medicines. Among non-drug techniques of simplification of a phantom pain, syndrome use various techniques of reflexotherapy (acupuncture, an akupressura, etc.), to an empatotekhnik, a mirror therapy, phantom-impulsive gymnastics. Holding sessions of a mirror-therapy was followed with phantom-impulsive gymnastics by the standard technique. For prevention of formation of a flexion contracture of a knee joint after below-knee amputation used universal adjustable elastic orthosis for the knee made of polyurethane foam in the form of the rolled design with the fixing tapes is offered. Besides of, the technique of training moving by artificial limb helps the truncated extremity with the regulated reception sleeve or the made reception sleeve which is put on a stump from the water hardened plastic bandage is improved. The value of the offered technique consists in the imitation of end-bearing on a stump in the adjustable socket with the put-on reception sleeve and to training in use before fitting and walking with an artificial limb. This medical technology of early restoration of moving ability after amputation of a shin or a hip with the application of new designs of adjustable reception sleeves from thermoplastic materials in the form of a adjustable socket row with modular connection for assembly of artificial limbs of the lower extremities by express methods provides essential positive social and economic effect. The technical documentation set on new designs of artificial limbs of a shin and hip is developed for early primary prosthetics. The offered medical technology of early primary prosthetics is introduced at 27 state and five non-state prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises of the Russian Federation and also the prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises of Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan), Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan).

About the authors

V G Suslyaev

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


K K Scherbina

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


L M Smirnova

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


A V Sokurov

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


T V Ermolenko

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта



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Copyright (c) 2019 Suslyaev V.G., Scherbina K.K., Smirnova L.M., Sokurov A.V., Ermolenko T.V.

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