Experience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis in a military hospital.

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The possibilities of improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis by identifying the correlations of its clinical manifestations and diagnostic polymorphism of morphological changes of the appendix, as well as diagnostic methods of this surgical pathology are analyzed. Out of 361 patients admitted for 3 years to a military hospital with clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis, the diagnosis was confirmed in 195 (54%). Of those who underwent laparoscopy, the operation at the diagnostic stage was completed in 12 (26.1%) patients, in 34 (73.9%) patients during laparoscopy, the diagnosis of the destructive form of acute appendicitis was confirmed. Of these, laparoscopic appendectomy was performed in 9 patients, other methods of appendectomy were performed in 25 patients. In all cases, the performance of diagnostic laparoscopy made it possible to clarify the diagnosis, and to avoid errors in the diagnosis of other diseases under the mask of «acute appendicitis.» It is important to note that when performing diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic appendectomy there were no differences in clinical and morphological diagnoses. According to the results of work, in the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis, laparoscopy is the primary method.

About the authors

O A Klyuchnikov

Войсковая часть 55541

Email: xknyazx@bk.ru
старший лейтенант медицинской службы Ростовская область

D A Klyuchnikov

Rostov state medical University

г. Ростов-на-Дону

V V Panov

1602-й Военный клинический госпиталь

полковник медицинской службы г. Ростов-на-Дону

A D Bagmet

Rostov state medical University

профессор, полковник медицинской службы в отставке Rostov-on-don

V S Groshilin

Rostov state medical University

Email: groshilin@yandex.ru
профессор Rostov-on-don


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Copyright (c) 2019 Klyuchnikov O.A., Klyuchnikov D.A., Panov V.V., Bagmet A.D., Groshilin V.S.

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