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Scientists and specialists, who works in the field of treatment thyroid gland diseases, identify and eliminate the effects of surgical interventions with nodular, multinodular and recurrent goiter with symptoms of compression of the organs of the neck and upper mediastinum. In total, the study included 119 patients who underwent extirpation of the thyroid gland (43), resection of the thyroid gland (33) and hemithyroidectomy (43). Comparisons were made on the basis of the volume of the preoperative examination, the immediate surgical intervention and the features of the intraoperative technique. It was established that the severity of local pain, postoperative complications such as neck edema during hematoma and gray formation reliably depended on the size of the skin incision, dissection of the short neck muscles, mobilization of the nodding muscles and removal of the tissue from the lymph nodes. 6 months after the surgical treatment, the patients had no complaints. If hypocalcemia occurs (in 14 cases), patients undergo a comprehensive treatment according to the original scheme. As a result of the treatment in all cases, the action of hypocalcemia was stopped. The study shows that the effectiveness of surgical treatment, the postoperative period, complications, cosmetic results and quality of life, as well as rehabilitation studies aimed at reducing the effectiveness of preoperative examination, increasing the amount of operational benefits and late statement of complications.

About the authors

S N Pamputis

The Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Revolyutsionnaya St. 5, Yaroslavl, Russia

Yu K Aleksandrov

The Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Revolyutsionnaya St. 5, Yaroslavl, Russia

A D Dyakiv

The Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Revolyutsionnaya St. 5, Yaroslavl, Russia

I E Belyakov

The Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Revolyutsionnaya St. 5, Yaroslavl, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Pamputis S.N., Aleksandrov Y.K., Dyakiv A.D., Belyakov I.E.

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