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Theproblemofcholangitisandbiliarysepsisbecomemoreandmoreactual.Developingdiagnosticcriteriaforpatientswithinflammationofbiliarytractisoneofunsolvedquestionsofbiliarysurgery. Accordingtonewclassificationofgeneralizedformofinfections (Sepsis 3) it’sadvisabletoclassifiedpatients with biliary obstruction to three groups: mechanical jaundice, acute cholangitis and biliary sepsis with defying appropriate diagnostic criteria for each of them.Theaimofourworkistoimprovetreatmentresultsforpatientswithhyperbilirubinemia, biliary hypertension and system inflammation response syndrome (SIRS) by dividing them on groups and determining diagnostic criteria for each of them. Intheperiodfrom 2014 to 2018 wehavetreated 208 patientswithbiliaryobstruction. Accordingtodevelopeddiagnosticcriteriaallpatients was divided on three groups: mechanical jaundice, acute cholangitis and biliary sepsis.Afterthetreatmentthenextvalueswereanalyzed: timefromadmissiontohospitaltooperation, thetimeofoperation, thefrequencyofpostoperativecomplications, mortality, the duration of hospital stay, economic efficiency.Toassesstheeffectivesofdevelopedcriteriacomparativeanalysiswithretrospectivegroup, whichcontained 182 patients with hyperbilirubinemia, biliary hypertension and SIRS treated in a period from 2010 to 2014, was performed. Accordingtoobtainedresultswecanconcludethatdividingpatientswithhyperbilirubinemia, biliary hypertension and SIRS on groups and developeddiagnosticcriteria, routing and manage tactics let us to improve treatment results in this category of patients, about what we can judge by such figures as timefromadmissiontohospitaltooperation, thefrequencyofpostoperativecomplications, mortality, the duration of hospital stay, economic efficiency.

About the authors

A Yu Korolkov

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

197022, L’vaTolstogosrt. 6-8, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

D N Popov

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

197022, L’vaTolstogosrt. 6-8, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

M A Kitaeva

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

197022, L’vaTolstogosrt. 6-8, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A O Tantsev

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

197022, L’vaTolstogosrt. 6-8, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Korolkov A.Y., Popov D.N., Kitaeva M.A., Tantsev A.O.

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