Continuous medical education and topical issues in teaching of microbiology

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The situation and revealed problems of a continuous medical education of experts of various specialities are characterized and ways of their decision are offered. The terms, which let a continuous medical education abroad to become a basic educational system are analyzed. Also, limitations, which have not allowed the continuous medical education to replace traditional formation with study on cycles of licensed departments in the Russian Federation are analyzed. It is established that the basic problem of a continuous medical education is economic. Problems of education of a bacteriologist are reflected in detail. It is shown that such specialities as bacteriologist and virologist require stationary training on profile departments for professional skill improvement, and elements of a continuous medical education can be considered only as additional. Recommendations of elimination of these limitations, which were generated in the course of optimization of educational process, are offered. Also, variants of complex educational process which carries elements of the continuous one are offered. As prominent aspects of optimization of educational process for bacteriologists it is offered to return such a kind of training as specialization on a workplace that will allow to receive necessary specific practical skills. The authors conclude that in connection with the revealed problems it is necessary to consider training on profile departments as the main and variants of a continuous medical education existing at the moment - as additional.

About the authors

A V Moskalev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


V B Sboychakov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


M M Karapac

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Moskalev A.V., Sboychakov V.B., Karapac M.M.

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