The analysis of prosthetic and orthopedic factories production in the branch of lower extremities prothesis with possibilities of import substitution

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The needs and possibilities of import substitution in the prosthetic and orthopedic industry for prosthetics and orthotics of lower limbs from local and imported component materials were determined. We analyzed the stock list of special equipment, materials, and modules used in the manufacture of prostheses and orthoses of the lower limbs, indicating local and foreign suppliers. The technical characteristics of equipment, materials, and modules of lower limb prostheses that are not manufactured in the Russian Federation were determined. We indicated the stock list, components, equipment, and materials, which production is more reasonable to be organized in Russia instead of using imported products of similar purpose. We carried out operational tests and clinical trials of prosthetic and orthopedic products that were made from new thermoplastic materials. These materials are developed by local manufacturers for the production of a bucket of the prosthesis for lower and upper limbs, orthoses and orthopedic devices, actively correcting braces, stop holders, etc. We indicated the ways of implementing the state policy to eliminate reliance of local prosthetic and orthopedic industry on import. Proposals for the optimization of reference documentation were developed. The role and position of research organizations that solve the problems of import substitution and that focus on the creation of new and improvement of existing technologies of physical medical rehabilitation of patients with muscle-skeleton disorders were defined. We determined the importance of institutions of advanced training for doctors and other specialists who work in prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises and rehabilitation centers.

About the authors

K K Scherbina

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


V G Suslyaev

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


Yu B Golubeva

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


A V Sokurov

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


T V Ermolenko

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта


V M Yankovskiy

Федеральный научный центр реабилитации инвалидов им. Г.А. Альбрехта



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Copyright (c) 2018 Scherbina K.K., Suslyaev V.G., Golubeva Y.B., Sokurov A.V., Ermolenko T.V., Yankovskiy V.M.

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