Experimental model of oxidative stress in chronic disruption of free radical balance in the biological system: polymyositis of the Wagner-Unverricht form

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Based on the analysis of simulation results of Wagner-Unverricht form polymyositis on mice of DBA/2 line, theoretical and experimental models of oxidative stress in the biological system were compared. It is shown that oxidative stress develops when the balance between the intake of free radicals and the effectiveness of the antioxidant system of the body is impaired. The main role for maintaining radical balance in the biosystem belongs to reversible electron transport through the plasma membrane during the interaction of the free radical flow with the active centres of the cell membrane. The electromagnetic nature of this interaction is underlined. The possible electrical structure of the active centre of the plasma membrane, based on the physicochemical laws of adsorption of electrically charged particles on the surface of liquid crystals, is presented and discussed in detail. The possibility of ion transport through the active centre in its interaction with the free radical is shown. It is noted that the electron transfer through the cell membrane provides the energy necessary for the non- spontaneous reverse transfer of ions in the energy-dependent component of the thermodynamic process that can form the action potential. The presence of irreversible interactions of the free radical flux with the bilipid layer of the plasma membrane in the places of defects of the liquid crystal structure is shown, which leads to the development of destructive changes. It is noted that the hypothesis of the electromagnetic nature of neurohumoral regulation presented in the paper can serve as a basis for further studies of discrete energy effects on the reflex and automatic activity of neurons, including the understanding of the mechanisms of the trigger of automatic processes in glia neurons, up to large neurons of the cerebral cortex, affecting the activity of the Central nervous system and the whole biosystem.

About the authors

M V Listov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: m.vmeda-nio@mil.ru

A I Mamykin

Санкт-Петербургский электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ»



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