Change in homeostasis of the body and the outcome of tuberculosis in the treatment of antituberculous medicines

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Fundamental research in the field of physiology revealed the important role of the state of homeostatic balance of the body in the emergence, development and outcome of human diseases, including granulomatous respiratory diseases- tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. To assess the homeostasis of the body in clinical conditions, various research methods are used - immunological, biochemical, hormonal and functional. However, in the daily work they can’t always be performed for technical and economic reasons. Proposed a new available diagnostics criterion of homeostasis based on the study of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the leukocytic formula of peripheral blood at the Department of videopornonoelia the First St. Petersburg state medical University Academy I. P. Pavlov. Among them types of adaptive reactions, leukocyte- lymphocytic index, entropy and redundancy of indicators of leukogram, monitorama blood, the degree of homeostasis and types of reactivity of an organism. During their approbation in the clinic high information content was revealed: more than 70% of the examined patients with tuberculosis of respiratory organs had defective types of adaptive reactions (intense), indices of proliferation and differentiation of monocytes were changed, and reactivity of the organism was characterized by pathological types (hyperreactive, paradoxical, hyporeactive and areactive). Treatment of patients with anti-tuberculosis drugs partially improved homeostasis, but its full recovery at the end of the main course of treatment did not occur. For better treatment in complex therapy, it is necessary to activate the body’s protective systems with the use of adaptogens (drugs, medicinal plants, physical factors: ultrasound, ultra-high-frequency inductothermy, alternating magnetic field on the regulatory centers of the suprasegmental apparatus of the autonomic nervous system). Monitoring of the state of homeostasis is most convenient to carry out using the proposed new available criteria for its evaluation.

About the authors

A I Loshakova

Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П. Павлова


N V Tsygan

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


S G Zheleznyak

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


N A Brazhenko

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


O N Brazhenko

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Loshakova A.I., Tsygan N.V., Zheleznyak S.G., Brazhenko N.A., Brazhenko O.N.

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