Modern approaches to objectivization of diagnostics of mental disorders

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586 patients with mental disorders of headings F0-F4 (according to the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases) and 18 mentally healthy people were studied. An automated ethological analysis of psychodiagnostic interviews, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a pictographic survey, psychometric scales, stress testing, and structural and functional neuroimaging methods were used. Reliable differences are shown when examining patients with mental disorders using a set of instrumental, laboratory and psychophysiological methods for investigating mental disorders. Significant differences in the volume of behavioral reactions in patients with schizophrenic disorder were revealed. With the help of the pictographic methodic, reliable differences are shown in patients with neurotic disorders and depressive episodes, as well as in persons with preclinical neurotic disorders. Neuroimaging methodic showed significant differences in the structure and functional activity of different parts of the brain in patients with endogenous, organic, neurotic depressions, as well as addictive disorders compared with healthy individuals. It was found that, despite the pronounced individual differences, even a simple comparative analysis (ethological part of the study) revealed statistically significant indicators in the volume of behavioral reactions in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, compared with healthy individuals. The results of the study of «neuroimaging markers» of the depressive disorders have shown, that «endogenous» depression at the PET (positron emission tomography) - study was determined by the decrease in the level of metabolism in the heads of caudate nuclei by20-40% of normal with moderate depression (up to 25 points on the HAMD) and more than 40% - severe (more than 26 points on the HAMD) compared to the control group, which was not observed in the «reactive» depression. It was found that the use of «neuroendocrine markers» (platelet serotonin, cortisol) in the diagnosis of depressive disorders allows, on the one hand, to study the causal mechanisms of mental disorders with an externally similar phenomenological picture, and on the other - to assess the pathophysiological consequences and severity of mental pathology. The possibility of modification of approaches to objectification, prognosis and early detection of mental disorders is shown.

About the authors

V K Shamrey

Военномедицинская академия им. С. М. Кирова


A A Marchenko

Военномедицинская академия им. С. М. Кирова


E S Kurasov

Военномедицинская академия им. С. М. Кирова



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