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Currently known methods of producing medical oxygen are described. The characteristics, that create restrictions or decide if one method is promising or not in the medical service, have been listed. A retrospective evaluation for the results of the science research and technical testing works carried out in the period from 2004 to 2008 in this direction military and hospital echelons of the medical service of the Russian Federation armed forces has been given. The pressure swing adsorption technology has been described. Blocks and components required to create a mobile installation for the production storage and distribution of the 93% oxygen gas at the stages of medical evacuation in military medical organization has been specified. It has been shown that the technical characteristics of the installation and quality of the 93% medical oxygen gas, depends the most on the adsorbent chosen and components of the installation in general. The creation of a domestic installation based on pressure swing adsorption technology allowing 93% medical oxygen gas production, storage and distribution to the functional units in military medicine jrganisations has been established (bibliography: 9 refs).

About the authors

Rimma Airatovna Enikeeva

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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