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This article is the last completed work of the famous historian, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg state University Yuri G. Alekseev. XI century. In Russia ended the great era. Yesterday’s pagan Russia is consecrated by the light of Orthodoxy. There comes a time of Yaroslav’s sons the inheritors of a great epoch. Leadership ability and activity of Vladimir Monomakh - the pinnacle of martial arts of Ancient (pre-Mongolian) Russia. The political expediency of his actions, a well-thought-out strategy, organization and management of the troops ensured the solution of the most important political task. Russian land for several decades is protected from the danger of the Polovtsian invasion. Direct descendants of Monomakh, having gone through all the hardships, managed to create a great Russian power.

About the authors

Yuriy G Alekseev

Saint Petersburg State University


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Copyright (c) 2017 Alekseev Y.G.

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