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Experience and the increasing dynamics of application of endoscopic and endovideo surgical surgeries on surface ships of Navy is considered in the last decade. Modern low-invasive technologies considerably increase the level of rendering the surgical help in the sea, improve quality of treatment, promote bystreyshy recovery of seamen and their return to execution of the official duties. The case of performance of laparoscopic appendectomy by team of surgeons from Army medical college of S. M. Kirov is described during a fighting campaign in January, 2017. In the conditions of distant campaigns by the ships of Navy at urgent situations it is necessary to expand the volume of endovideosurgeries for improvement of result of treatment of the injured military personnel in the sea. Constant improvement of skills of regular doctors of the ship and the affiliated surgeons from military hospitals is necessary (1 figure, 1 table, bibliography: 7 refs).

About the authors

Ivan A Soloviev

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

Oleg V Balura

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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Copyright (c) 2017 Soloviev I.A., Balura O.V.

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