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Objective. The aim of the study was to compare the morphometric parameters of echocardiography in a normally occurring pregnancy. Comparison of the obtained data with the data of heart measurement in children perinatally perished, as well as the analysis of the mass indexes of the fetus and placenta in healthy fetuses and fetuses perinatally lost. Materials and methods. We analyzed 94 protocols for the investigation of post-mortem and the protocols for autopsy of fetuses and newborn infants perinatal in various maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (group 1). The control group 2 consisted of 12 patients who were registered for pregnancy, were examined according to the usual pattern, later they had urgent deliveries to healthy newborns, the histological structure of the placenta was represented by reactive and compensatory-adaptive changes characteristic of the placenta of the normal structure. Patients of control group 2 underwent evaluation of echocardiograms obtained during the third screening test during pregnancy, performed at the time of 32-34 weeks. Control group 3 included 335 observations of full term pregnancy, which resulted in the birth of a healthy fetus. In this group, an analysis was made of the mass indexes of the fetus, placenta, and the integral index of the placental-fetal ratio. Results of the study. Massometric parameters of the fetus, placenta and integral index of the placental-fetal ratio in the patients of the main and control groups were analyzed. Typical changes in the weight of the placenta and placental-fetal ratio in patients with perinatal fetal death were determined. Opportunities were identified for risk groups for perinatal fetal death according to the analysis of the sonocardiogram. Conclusion. 8 conclusions are presented that represent the possibility of predicting perinatal losses depending on the size of the placenta, placental-fetal ratio, the isolation of risk groups for perinatal fetal death according to the data of sonocardiography

About the authors

L A Ivanova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

А V Ророvа

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

K P Karpov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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