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The review considers the communicative aspect of the professional activity of a doctor, where communication acts as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. The concept of «Empathy» was examined. The necessity of forming empathic abilities as a professionally important quality is substantiated, and as a condition for productive professional communication during the period of study at the university. The principles of the organization of the educational process that contribute to an increase in the level of empathy among students in the conditions of a medical college are described, as well as the psychological mechanism for the formation of professional self-development of to-be specialists’ personality. The methods that allow not only to form the empathic culture of the student are enumerated, as well as methods permitting to maintain a certain level of the empathic culture of the teacher himself. The results of the study of the components of professional burnout and the level of empathic tendencies of medical workers of various specialties are considered. Sex differences in the evaluation of personal empathy and selfishness as well as age differences in the evaluation of altruistic behavior are discussed

About the authors

I M Ulyukin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

V N Emelyanov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

V N Bolekhan

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

E S Orlova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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