卷 18, 编号 2 (2019)

Original studies

Magnetotherapy and intermittent pneumocompression as a metod of rehabilitation of patient with brest cancer in different periods after radical mastectomy

Evstigneeva I., Gerasimenko M., Perfileva O.


Objective to develop and compare the effectiveness of General magnetic therapy and intermittent pneumocompression in combination with physical therapy and balance therapy, classes with a medical psychologist in patients on day 2–4 and 1.5–2 months after surgical treatment for breast cancer (breast cancer).

Material and methods. 117 patients aged 25 to 70 years were examined and treated after surgical treatment for breast cancer. All patients underwent intermittent pneumocompression at different times after surgery (2–4 days and 1.5–2 months after surgery), followed by General magnetic therapy without interruption.

Results. It was found that this combination of methods of physical rehabilitation helped to reduce pain and postoperative edema, increase the volume of movements in the shoulder joint, prevent the development of severe lymphostasis and improve the quality of life.

Сonclusion. The contribution of General magnetic therapy to the complex of rehabilitation measures is primarily to increase the number of lymphatic collaterals, increase tissue oxygenation and anti-inflammatory effect. Intermittent pneumocompression contribute to the increase in the number of lymphatic collaterals, stimulates lymph flow.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Sanator rehabilitation of patients after stenting of coronary arteries

Gilmutdinova L., Galimulina E., Bagautdinov A., Faizova E., Gilmutdinov B.


The results of sanatorium rehabilitation of 56 patients (men) after stenting of the coronary arteries in the conditions of a specialized sanatorium are presented. Patients of the main group used a rehabilitation complex based on physical training in combination with dry air carbon dioxide baths, patients in the control group received a basic complex. A more effective effect of the developed complex with respect to the positive dynamics of clinical and hemodynamic parameters, blood lipid profile, increase in physical performance, improvement of quality of life parameters, decrease in the level of functional independence in patients of the main group, in contrast to patients against the background of the basic complex, was established.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):76-80
pages 76-80 views

New approaches to medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pancreatitis at hospital stage

Makhinko A.


The research objective is to study therapeutic effectiveness of the medical rehabilitation program of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis at the stationary stage with combined use of physical therapeutic factors against the background of standard pharmacotherapy.

Materials and methods. In the therapeutic department of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Krasnodar there have been examined and treated 159 patients with acute chronic pancreatitis. By simple randomization, 4 groups were formed: the main group (39 people) received a standard drug therapy; the 1st group of comparison (38 people) additionally received physical therapy; the 2nd group of comparison (40 people) got drinking mineral water “Slavyanovskaya” in addition to the treatment in the 1st group of comparison; in the main group (42 people) the patients received preformed peloido-therapy (PPT) on the cervical collar zone in addition to the treatment in the 2nd group of comparison. All the patients before and after medical rehabilitation underwent clinical and laboratory research, the assessment of quality of life).

Results. In the main group leveling of clinical symptoms occurred by 78.2% (p < 0.01) on average, in the 1st group of comparison by 71.5% (р < 0,01), in the 2nd group of comparison by 62.3% (p < 0.01), in the control group by 57.2%. Decrease in anxiety intensity with patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis in case of complex medical rehabilitation (main group) occurred by 47.6% (p < 0.01) compared with the data before medical rehabilitation; after additional inclusion physical therapy and drinking mineral water in the treatment complex by 42.6% (p < 0.01); in the main group after inclusion complex pharmacotherapy and physical therapy by 34% (p < 0.01) and in the control group by 30.7% (p < 0.01) after using only standard pharmacotherapy. Positive dynamics of clinical and laboratory indicators was accompanied by significant improvement of quality of life at combined medical rehabilitation.

Conclusion. The inclusion of physical therapeutic factors in the programs of the inpatient stage of medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic pancreatitis contributes to levelling of clinical manifestations (abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and diarrhoea), significant improvement of excretory function of pancreas, which results in the improvement of quality of life of this category of patients.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Mineral waters of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania

Kasinova A., Potapov Y., Rusak A., Gusova B., Gurieva N.


The research objective is to assess the composition and properties of mineral waters of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania.

Material and methods. In 2019, the Testing Laboratory of Natural Therapeutic Resources of North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia and the Department of Exploring of Resort Resources of PSRRS North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia in Pyatigorsk carried out studies of the mineral waters of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania.

Results. There have been explored mineral waters of Redant, Mamison, Tibian, Tamis, Korinsky, Carmadon and Zamankul mineral water deposits.

Conclusion. The carried out spa studies showed that in the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania there is mineral waters of various physical and chemical composition and mineralization that have high balneotherapeutic activity.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):86-91
pages 86-91 views

High frequency radio wave method in the correction of involute skin changes

Yusova Z., Akhmedbaeva I., Likhtareva A.


The study presents data on the impact of the monopolar radiofrequency method on the morphofunctional state of the skin. Patients were observed with various morphotypes of involute skin changes. 49 patients aged 45 to 55 years were observed. All patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the prevailing morphotype of involute skin changes: fine-wrinkled, deformed, and mixed. In all groups, a single exposure was performed using the monopolar radio frequency method according to the approved Protocol of work in the face area. Objective research methods included ultrasound sonography of the epidermis and dermis, adapted dermatological indices of quality of life (DIQ) and SAN (well-being, activity, mood). The results were evaluated 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatment. The obtained data showed that the high-frequency radio-wave method is more effective in deformational and mixed types of aging compared to small-scale wrinkling.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):92-95
pages 92-95 views

Efficacy of complex medical rehabilitation of employees of special squads with the autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system

Godilo-Godlevsky V., Ganishev A., Voropaev A.


Relevance. Vegetative dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system are an actual pathology among the employees of the special agent, while vegetative disorders are not severe. In diagnostics, simple physical methods for estimating are effective, the results of which correlate with the data of instrumental survey. Aticle is devoted to the question of comparing the effectiveness of various schemes of medical rehabilitation of employees of the special agent having manifestations of autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system at the stationary stage. The methods of traditional rehabilitation with the use of physical methods and methods, including complex effects of physical, psychotherapeutic and medicinal methods were compared. It is shown that the complex rehabilitation of the special component. In provides the best performance recovery in the short term and ensures the preservation of good indicators of tolerability of professional factors in the long term.

Purpose. Study the effectiveness of various schemes of medical rehabilitation of employees of the special agent having manifestations of autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system

Material and methods. Study was conducted in a group of 60 employees who underwent medical rehabilitation and examination of temporary disability at the centers for medical rehabilitation of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia after performing special tasks in 2012–2013.

Results. It is shown that complex rehabilitation of a special component C in C provides the best indicators of recovery of working capacity at the short-term stage and ensures the preservation of good indicators of tolerability of professional factors in the long-term period.

Conclusions. The results obtained show significant advantages of conducting comprehensive medical rehabilitation of employees after performing special tasks, both immediately after their implementation, and in achieving stable remission in the long term, ensuring the retention of qualified and experienced employees and prolonging professional longevity.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):96-102
pages 96-102 views


Features of the use of stable platforms with biological feedback in various socially significant diseases

Korchazhkina N., Mikhailova A.


The article presents research data on the features of the use of stable platforms with biological feedback in various socially significant diseases.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):103-106
pages 103-106 views

The role of herbal treatment and sorbents in the rehabilitation of patients with malignant disease of digestive system (review)

Uzdenov M., Sysuev B., Evseeva S., Gironas Z.


Herbal therapies combined with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can improve the results, reduce toxicity and the frequency of side effects, improving the quality of life of patients. At all stages of antitumor treatment, as well as in the intervals between specific therapy and maintenance treatment, it is recommended to use pathogenetically justified phytoadaptogenes, tonic herbal remedies, and detoxifying complexes. There has been detected an actual trend in the development of new combined products that provides phyto medicines and sorbents in one composition.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):107-111
pages 107-111 views

Clinical Guidelines

Currents uppertoned frequency of a professional and personal physiotherapy

Maksimov A., Kiryanova V., Chaban A.


The mechanisms of physiological and therapeutic action of ultrathon therapy, features of the effect of currents of supertonal frequency on the main functional and regulatory systems of the human body, therapeutic methods, indications and contraindications for therapeutic use, the basics of physics and biophysics of medium-frequency electrical action are considered. Modern devices for ultrathon therapy, techniques and methods of medical procedures are presented.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(2):112-136
pages 112-136 views
