Efficacy of complex medical rehabilitation of employees of special squads with the autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system

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Relevance. Vegetative dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system are an actual pathology among the employees of the special agent, while vegetative disorders are not severe. In diagnostics, simple physical methods for estimating are effective, the results of which correlate with the data of instrumental survey. Aticle is devoted to the question of comparing the effectiveness of various schemes of medical rehabilitation of employees of the special agent having manifestations of autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system at the stationary stage. The methods of traditional rehabilitation with the use of physical methods and methods, including complex effects of physical, psychotherapeutic and medicinal methods were compared. It is shown that the complex rehabilitation of the special component. In provides the best performance recovery in the short term and ensures the preservation of good indicators of tolerability of professional factors in the long term.

Purpose. Study the effectiveness of various schemes of medical rehabilitation of employees of the special agent having manifestations of autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system

Material and methods. Study was conducted in a group of 60 employees who underwent medical rehabilitation and examination of temporary disability at the centers for medical rehabilitation of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia after performing special tasks in 2012–2013.

Results. It is shown that complex rehabilitation of a special component C in C provides the best indicators of recovery of working capacity at the short-term stage and ensures the preservation of good indicators of tolerability of professional factors in the long-term period.

Conclusions. The results obtained show significant advantages of conducting comprehensive medical rehabilitation of employees after performing special tasks, both immediately after their implementation, and in achieving stable remission in the long term, ensuring the retention of qualified and experienced employees and prolonging professional longevity.

About the authors

Victor A. Godilo-Godlevsky

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: vg-god@rambler.ru
SPIN-code: 7773-3165

DSc., Prof.

Russian Federation, Moscow

Andrey V. Ganishev

Central Medical and Sanitary Department of the Ministry of Inner Affairs of Russia

Email: vg-god@rambler.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexei А. Voropaev

National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Health Ministry of Russia

Email: vg-god@rambler.ru
SPIN-code: 4646-4268


Russian Federation, Moscow


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