卷 12, 编号 6 (2013)


The influence of laser irradiation on regeneration of skeletal muscles after their mechanical injury of various intensity (an experimental study)

Bulyakova N., Azarova V.


Young and adult rats were subjected to laser irradiation of both gastrocnemius muscles after their in situ autotransplantation either intact or after fragmentation. In addition, thymus conditions and body weight dynamics as indicators of homeostasis were studied. It was shown that the effect of pulsed infrared laser radiation at a wavelength of 890 nm on muscle regeneration (the amount of muscular tissue and its re-innervation) depended on the severity of the previous injury. Laser therapy improved muscle regeneration even after a highly severe injury that resulted in the complete destruction of tissue integrity up to the loss of half of muscular mass. Regenerates contained only small amount of muscular tissue, but it retained functional activity. These effects were more pronounced in young rats than in adult ones. Laser radiation just as well influenced general health condition of the animals. All of them experienced the loss of body weight within 10 days after the injury and its gradual increase by day 30. These changes occurred regardless of the severity of the injury. The lymphoid cells of both young and adult rats undergoing laser irradiation and control ones showed different proliferate activities despite practically equal thymus mass and the amount of cortical matter in these animals. It suggests incompleteness of the regeneration processes in the thymus.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Comparative effectiveness of the laser therapy techniques for the treatment of the children presenting with maxillary sinusitis

Gerasimenko M., Khrykova A., Larionov K., Ilyin V., Martynova N.


This comparative study was designed to estimate the effectiveness of different modalities of low-intensity laser therapy for the treatment of the children presenting with acute maxillary sinusitis or exacerbation of its chronic form. The study included 30 children at the age from 7 to 10 years. They were treated by laser therapy, performed special breathing exercises, and were taught physiological nasal breathing. Laser radiation was generated to affect 4 regions, viz. those of maxillary sinus and palatal tonsil projection, during 3 minutes each. Every course of laser irradiation consisted of 8 to 10 sessions. The Isel-2 and Orion-8 portable laser apparatuses were used for the purpose. Marked improvement of health conditions was achieved in 27 (92%) children. A course of combined therapy resulted in the recovery of normal nasal breathing, elimination of pain syndrome and the inflammatory component, normalization of the nasal cavity and Eustachian tube condition, and the objective improvement of hearing. The clinical data suggest the advantage of laser therapy in the pulsed regime over continuous irradiation for the treatment of the children presenting with acute and chronic maxillary sinusitis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):9-12
pages 9-12 views

Hereditary Charcot— Marie—Tooth neuropathy: Possibilities of non-pharma-cological treatment

Goncharova S., Shnaider N.


Hereditary Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMTN) is one of the most widespread forms of hereditary neuropathies. The authors report the experience of Russian and foreign physiotherapists in the field of the application of non-medicamental methods for the treatment of CMTN gained during the last 10 years. In addition, the main principles of CMTN treatment with the use of natural and pre-formed physical factors are discussed with special reference to the organization of therapeutic exercises. Recommendations on the spa and resort-based treatment of the patients with CMTN are proposed. Special attention is given to the modified standards of non-medicamental treatment of the patients presenting with CMTN taking into consideration their electromyographic characteristics and vegetative status as well as the type and severity of the disease.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):13-19
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The role of ozone therapy in the treatment of the patients presenting with eczema and psoriasis

Kosheleva I., Kulikov A.


The authors describe the approaches to the application of ozone therapy designed to treat eczema and psoriasis as an adjuvant anti-inflammatory and repairing tool. Parenteral and external application of the gaseous oxygen-ozone mixture (the so-called medical ozone) was practiced both as monotherapy and combined treatment. The proposed methods for systemic and topical application of the mixture make it possible to differentially prescribe ozone therapy taking into consideration the character and duration of the disease, the activity of the inflammatory process, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The methods of ozone therapy have been developed in VA. Rakhmanov Clinic of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases affiliated with I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):19-23
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Laser therapy and prevention of duodenal ulcer disease

Moskvin S., Zakharov P.


Treatment of the patients presenting with duodenal ulcer diseases remains a challenging problem because of high prevalence of this clinical condition and the short duration of its remission following therapy by standard methods. Laser therapy of this chronic disease has been successfully applied during the past 30 years. Nevertheless, the approaches to optimization of its different modalities and prevention of exacerbation or complications of duodenal ulcer disease with the use of the multifrequency modulation regime synchronized with the patient’s biological rhythms remain to be developed. The present work has demonstrated that the introduction of laser therapy in the multifrequency modulation regime (pulse and respiration rates, 10 Hz) into the therapeutic program for the patients with duodenal ulcer disease substantially improves both the immediate and long-term outcomes of the treatment. It was shown that multifrequency modulation of low-intensity pulsed infrared laser radiation at a wavelength of 890 nm has an advantage over the single-frequency regime and allows the results of laser therapy to be optimized in the majority of the cases. The application of laser therapy in the seasons when exacerbation of the disease is most probable (spring and autumn) practically excludes relapses of duodenal ulcer disease; this gives indirect evidence of the relationship between the processes of regulation of calcium homeostasis and endogenous/exogenous biological rhythms.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):23-26
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The estimation of the effectiveness of general magnetic therapy for the correction of microcirculatory disorders in the patients presenting with erysipelas

Kulkov A., Kuzovleva E., Erovichenkov A., Mikhailenko O.


The objective of the present work was to study the possibility and expediency of the application of general magnetic therapy for the correction of microcirculatory disorders in the patients presenting with erysipelas. A total of 102 patients divided into 2 groups matched for the age and main clinical manifestations of the disease were examined and treated. All of them were given basal therapy, but the patients of the study group were additionally treated by general magnetic therapy. The studies of microcirculation revealed the disturbances at all its levels. It was shown that the application of general magnetic therapy significantly enhances the effectiveness of the combined treatment, promotes the contribution from the active components of vasomotor fluctuations, and increases the microcirculation efficacy index. Taken together, these effects promote correction of microcirculatory disorders.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):26-30
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The use of magnetic sympathocor-rection for the treatment of vegetative disorders in the children with obesity

Bolotova N., Raigorodsky Y., Dronova E., Posokhova N.


The objective of the present work was to study the effectiveness of magnetic therapy for the treatment of vegetative disorders in the children with obesity. The study revealed the disturbances in the function of the vegetative nervous system of all 15 examined children. The parameters measured included BMI, SDS-BMI, and waist circumference. The functional parameters of the vegetative nervous system (BHC) were determined by cardiointervalography (CIG). The psychoemotional status of the patients was evaluated with the help of the “Avtoportret (Self-portrait)” and “Vyyavlenie urovnya trevozhnosti u detei (Detection of anxiety level in the children)” techniques. The obese children were divided into two groups comprised of 30 and 15 patients (the study group and control group respectively). The patients of the study group underwent sympathocorrection (SC) that included the application of electric current evoked by a reversive running alternating magnetic field to the upper cervical ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. The children of the control group were treated by the placebo physiotyherapeutic procedure (with the turned-off radiating element). All the patients received the hypocaloric diet and were educated in the body weight management school. The treatment program having been completed, the activity of the vegetative nervous system improved in 90% of the children, arterial pressure was normalized in 75%, and appetite impaired in 68%. On the whole, magnetic sympathocorrection made it possible to reduce the number of the children with the high anxiety level and lack of self-confidence. BMI decreased by 12.5% in the study group compared with 12.5% in the control children within 2 months after the termination of therapy. It is concluded that the high effectiveness of magnetic sympathocorrection gives reason to recommend the inclusion of this procedure in the rehabilitative program for the children with obesity.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):30-34
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The role of hydrokinesitherapy in the system of physical rehabilitation of the children presenting with the spastic form of cerebral palsy

Taran I.


Hydrokinesitherapy makes up an important component of physical rehabilitation of the children suffering cerebral palsy. The present work was designed to compare the effectiveness of various methods of remedial gymnastics in water including original and standard ones. The rationale for hydrokinesitherapy and its principles are proposed that implicate the stage by stage formation of locomotor skills in conformity with the process of development of motor activity in the healthy children. A peculiar feature of the approach under consideration is the performance of physical exercises in the first place as a tool for the improvement of the child’s psycho-emotional condition. A total of 24 children were involved in this experimental study that lasted one year and included two sessions of hydrokinesitherapy per week.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):34-39
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The application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field in the patients presenting with hypertensive type neurocirculatory dystonia

Starosvetskaya O.


The author provides the first ever substantiation of the desirability of the application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field for the management of the patients presenting with hypertensive type neurocirculatory dystonia. The data obtained give strong evidence that the clinical effect of the pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field should be attributed to the active modulation of perfusion parameters largely due to the enhancement of the nutritive component of microcirculation, reduction of the intensity of oxidative metabolism in parallel with the activation of the antioxidative mechanisms protecting the structural and functional integrity of plasma membranes, and improvement of regulatory potencies of the neuroendocrine system for the maintenance of vital activities and adaptive capacities of the organism. It has been confirmed that the application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field is a pathogentically sound method for the treatment of the patients presenting with hypertensive type neurocirculatory dystonia that can be recommended for the use in the routine clinical practice.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):39-46
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Fluctophoresis of mexidol in the patients presenting with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

Gadzhiev R., Akhmadova M., Gerasimenko M.


The objective of the present study was to propose and estimate the effrctiveness of the method for the combined treatment of the patients presenting with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis that developed after sinus lift surgery. The mexidol fluctophoresis technique was employed for the purpose. It was shown that the inclusion of mexidol fluctophoresis in the traditional treatment of the patients with maxillary sinusitis makes it possible to avoid the development of the inflammatory process after sinus lift surgery designed to create the optimal conditions for the placement of intraosseous implants.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):47-48
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The novel approaches to physiotherapy of severe combined injuries in the children

Vasilieva M., Karaseva O., Solovieva E., Chernysheva T.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of various physical factors used for the combined treatment of the children aged from 1 to 17 years having severe concomitant injuries (SCI). The proposed rehabilitation programs make use of the algorithm that envisages the introduction of physiotherapeutic procedures at the early stages (days 2 - 3) of the traditional treatment. The results of the study confirm the possibility to enhance the effectiveness of the rehabilitative measures by means of differential application of physical factors taking into consideration the character and severity of the injury.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):48-49
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The treatment of brachioscapular periarthritis (impingement syndrome)

Gataullin E.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of the shockwave treatment of the patients presenting with brachioscapular periarthritis. The proposed method permits to achieve fairly well- apparent positive dynamics in the patients’ condition, quickly eliminate pain syndrome and increase the arm motion range as soon as the first treatment session. The results of the study give reason to consider shockwave therapy as the method of choice for the management of brachioscapular periarthritis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):49-50
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The effectiveness of the spa and resort-based treatment with the use of Essen-tuki-type drinking mineral water for the treatment of metabolic lesions in the kidneys of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Demchenko V., Efimenko N., Fedorova T., Fedorov S., Markus M.


The objective of the present work was to estimate the effectiveness of the combined balneotherapeutic treatment of metabolic lesions in the kidneys of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with the use of Essentuki No 4 and Essentuki-Novaya drinking mineral water. The results of the study indicate that the combined spa and resort-based treatment with the use of Essentuki-type drinking mineral water substantially improves the main functions of the liver and its hemodynamics, stabilizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and decreases the severity of insulin resistance. Taken together, these effects give reason to consider the proposed approach as a tool for the prevention of further progress of the pathological process.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):50-51
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The use of general magnetic therapy and kinesitherapy for the rehabilitation of the patients after coronary artery bypass surgery

Klenova N., Smirnova S.


This paper was designed to report the experience of the authors with the rehabilitation of the patients after coronary bypass surgery. The combination of the rehabilitative measures included general magnetic therapy and kinesitherapy introduced in the early postoperative period. This approach was shown to enhance the effectiveness of rehabilitation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):52-53
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The use of shockwave puncture for the combined treatment of the patients presenting with lumbosacral dorsopathies

Zharinova N., Timofeeva O.


This paper presents the results of combined therapy of 46 patients presenting with lumbosacral dorsopathies that included medicamental treatment, physiotherapy, remedial physical fitness training, and shockwave therapy. The proposed therapeutic modalities and research methods are described. It was shown that the inclusion of shockwave therapy in the combined treatment of the patients presenting with lumbosacral dorsopathies improves their quality of life, decreases requirements for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and reduces the duration of temporary incapacity for work.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):53-54
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About the spa and resort-based treatment of the patients with oncological diseases

Estenkova M., Elizarov A.


This publication is focused on the problems concerning the application of physical factors for the spa and resort-based treatment of the patients with oncological diseases. The results of the examination and treatment of 348 patients differing in localization of the tumourigenic process are presented. Three modalities of the balneotherapeutic treatment are proposed in conjunction with the physical factors to be used for this purpose. Indications and contraindications for the physiotherapeutic treatment of the patients presenting with oncological diseases have been developed.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):54-55
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The effectiveness of combined spa and resort-based therapy for the rehabilitation of the patients with oncohemato-logical problems

Kaladze N., Mal’tseva E., Karmazina I.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the conditions for the combined treatment of the children presenting with oncohematological diseases based at an Evpatoriya health resort. The therapeutic program is proposed envisaging the use of natural physical factors, such as maritime steppe climate, seawater, natural sodium chloride - magnesium chloride brine, and thermal sodium chloride water. The principles of the choice of therapeutic modalities have been developed.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(6):55-56
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