The influence of laser irradiation on regeneration of skeletal muscles after their mechanical injury of various intensity (an experimental study)

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Young and adult rats were subjected to laser irradiation of both gastrocnemius muscles after their in situ autotransplantation either intact or after fragmentation. In addition, thymus conditions and body weight dynamics as indicators of homeostasis were studied. It was shown that the effect of pulsed infrared laser radiation at a wavelength of 890 nm on muscle regeneration (the amount of muscular tissue and its re-innervation) depended on the severity of the previous injury. Laser therapy improved muscle regeneration even after a highly severe injury that resulted in the complete destruction of tissue integrity up to the loss of half of muscular mass. Regenerates contained only small amount of muscular tissue, but it retained functional activity. These effects were more pronounced in young rats than in adult ones. Laser radiation just as well influenced general health condition of the animals. All of them experienced the loss of body weight within 10 days after the injury and its gradual increase by day 30. These changes occurred regardless of the severity of the injury. The lymphoid cells of both young and adult rats undergoing laser irradiation and control ones showed different proliferate activities despite practically equal thymus mass and the amount of cortical matter in these animals. It suggests incompleteness of the regeneration processes in the thymus.

About the authors

N. V Bulyakova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “A.N. Severtsov Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution”


V. S Azarova

Federal state budgetary institution of science “A.N. Severtsov Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution”


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