


Skin hyperpigmentation is one of the most common conditions that attract the attention of both the dermatologists and the cosmetologists since the cosmetic defects associated with this pathology are known to greatly deteriorate the quality of life of the patients. This article presents information about the most popular modern methods for the correction of non-neoplastic melanin hyperpigmentation of the skin. The main trends in the application of the external agents, laser and light therapy as well as the possibility of the combination of some of these techniques are considered. Methods: A total of 24 patients presenting with various clinical forms of non-neoplastic melanin hyperpigmentation of the skin aged from 25 to 62 years were under supervision in the present study. The pathological process was mainly localized on the face, the neckline and the back of the hands in 21 (87.5%) patients, on the skin of the trunk and the extremities in 3 (12.5%) ones. All the patients received topical therapy with the use of the products containing glycolic acid and ascorbic acids in the form of both drug monotherapy and its combination with laser therapy (at a wavelength of 1064 nm). Results: The study has demonstrated that the topical application of the products containing glycolic acid and ascorbic acid as a monotherapy provides a highly efficacious and safe method for the aesthetic correction of skin hyperpigmentation. However, its combination with laser therapy (at a wavelength of 1064 nm) produces a significantly higher therapeutic effect as confirmed by the present study.


E. Ikonnikova

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation


ассистент кафедры дерматовенерологии и косметологии ФГБУ ДПО «Центральная государственная медицинская академия» Управления делами Президента РФ, 121359, Москва, Россия

121359, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Stenko

Open joint-stock company «Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology»

105066, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. Korchazhkina

Federal state budgetary institution of additional professional education «Central State Medical Academy», Presidential Administration of the President of Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russian Federation


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