Physiotherapy in the early rehabilitation of patients with bone sarcomas after endoprosthetic replacement of large bones and joints





Background. The literature evidences the absence of negative effect of low-frequency electric and magnetic therapy in the treatment of late complications of onco-orthopedic surgeries on the course of a number of bone sarcomas. This enabled for the first time to include local low-frequency magnetotherapy, low-intensity infrared laser radiation, electroneuromyostimulation, and therapeutic exercises in the early rehabilitation of 36 patients with primary malignant and metastatic bone tumors, with the history of endoprosthetic replacement of large bones and joints with the inclusion of reconstructive grafting component.

Aim: to develop and evaluate the efficiency of the complex of early rehabilitation of patients with bone tumors after endoprosthetic replacement of large bones and joints.

Methods. Physiotherapy started from the day 1 after the surgery and lasted for 10 days. In a prospective, open, nonrandomized controlled cohort study, the control methods included the baseline state control, active control, and historical control. To assess the functional result, the international MSTS scale was used.

Results. The combined application of the reconstructive grafting component during curative surgery and physiotherapy enabled to obtain good functional result in 63.9% of the patients at the time of discharge, and satisfactory functional result was registered in 36.1% of patients on the MSTS scale. The function of the preserved limb in 10 patients after distal femoral bone excision with knee joint replacement amounted to 80%, and in 7 patients after proximal tibia excision, it was 72%; in 13 patients after proximal excision of the femoral bone with hip replacement, it was 59%; in 5 patients after proximal excision of the upper arm bone with the shoulder joint replacement, it was 61.3%; and in 1 patient after proximal excision of the ulnar bone with the elbow joint replacement, it amounted to 70% of the normal function. A multidisciplinary approach to the early rehabilitation of patients with bone tumors enabled to achieve good functional results in a short time, reduce the time spent by patients in the surgical department, without increase in the number of postoperative complications.

Conclusion. Given the preliminary results obtained, further research is required with a larger number of patients and with a long follow-up period.


T. Grushina

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0945-4266
SPIN 代码: 5275-6509


俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Valerij Teplyakov

State Institution, Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology

SPIN 代码: 4503-1920

MD, PhD, Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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