The effect of electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulse microcurrents on regeneration processes in experiment and clinic

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Objective. The purpose of this study is to study the effect of electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulsed microcurrents: in an experiment on lymphatic drainage of a marker from the mesentery of mice and in the clinic on patients with hypertrophic scars in the face.

Materials and methods. In the experiment, the rate of resorption of the marker from the mesentery of mice (n = 10) receiving the “placebo” procedure and mice (n = 10) receiving the course of electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents were measured under a light microscope. In addition, the clinic observed patients aged 18 to 60 years (n = 100), with hypertrophic scars in the face area that arose for various reasons. Of these, the 1st (control) group of patients (n = 10) received only one standard drug therapy, and the 2nd (main) group (n = 90) additionally received electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents in the face area.

Results. The experiment showed that the rate of resolution of the marker in the mesentery of the intestines of mice after a course of electrical stimulation was greater than in mice treated with the placebo procedure. In a clinical study in patients in the 2nd (main) group after a course of electrical stimulation, on the background of drug therapy, better results were achieved on the Vancouver Scar Scale and in a shorter time period than in patients in the 1st (control) group who received drug therapy . The greater effectiveness of the results in patients in the 2nd (main) group was confirmed by the data of statistical regression analysis.

Conclusions. The results of this experiment showed that electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulsed microcurrents accelerates lymphatic drainage in the mesentery of the intestines of mice. In a clinical study, the use of electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents in patients with hypertrophic scars in the face region in the 2nd group showed high efficiency and the transition of hypertrophic scars to normotrophic ones in earlier periods.

About the authors

Nina N. Lazarenko

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2853-4704
SPIN-code: 3211-0443


Russian Federation, Moscow

Marina I. Shemshuk

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7984-4454
SPIN-code: 9806-4362


Russian Federation, Moscow

Marina Yu. Gerasimenko

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1741-7246
SPIN-code: 7625-6452

DSc, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow

Zhanna G. Tigay

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4994-7193
SPIN-code: 6302-3406

DSc, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of resorption of a stain of a dye after a course of electrostimulation procedures in the anterior wall of the abdomen in a mouse: a - the intestine of the mouse on the microscope stage immediately after the introduction of the marker; b - the intestine of the mouse on the microscope stage after 17 min of observation: 1 - a stain of the dye immediately after its introduction and its resorption after 17 min of observation; 2 - the intestine of the mouse; 3 - dropper with saline solution

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3. Fig. 2. The state of a patient's hypertrophic scar before and after a course of complex treatment with BIM-currents (photographs were taken using a BS-888Pro (SMP) Beauty Scope videoscope, magnification x50): a - appearance of the scar before exposure; b - the appearance of the scar after complex exposure; 1 - the size of the scar before exposure; 2 - the size of the scar after complex exposure

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4. Fig. 3. Results of regression analysis of the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) indicators in patients in the 1st and 2nd groups during the observation process: R² = 0.6078 - the coefficient of accuracy of the approximation for the VSS indicator in the 1st (control) group of patients; R² = 0.9104 - coefficient of accuracy of approximation for the VSS indicator in the 2nd group

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