Compression microvibration: Experience of using the method for the physiotherapeutic treatment of cellulite

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BACKGROUND: Cellulite treatment and figure correction are among the most demanded requests in aesthetic medicine centers, which determines the high social and medical and economic significance of the problem, stimulates the active use of modern medical technologies.

AIM: evaluation of the effectiveness of the non-invasive method of compression microvibration in the treatment of cellulite in women of peri- and postmenopausal age.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A single center prospective cohort study was conducted in which 27 female volunteers with mild to moderate gynoid lipodystrophy took part. All participants completed the Endospheres Therapy course according to the standard protocol: 12 procedures for 60 minutes twice a week using the Endospheres Therapy Body compression microvibration apparatus. Before and after the completion of the course of procedures, anthropometric parameters (linear and weight dimensions of the body) were measured, fat, lean, active cellular and skeletal muscle mass, specific basal metabolism, total and extracellular fluid, bioimpedance phase angle were evaluated using bioimpedancemetry. To obtain a subjective assessment of the effectiveness and quality of the procedures received, all participants underwent anonymous testing.

RESULTS: Under observation were 27 women, who made up 3 clinical groups of 9 women each in accordance with age criteria: group 1 ― before menopause (age 40–49 years); group 2 ― menopause (50–59 years) and group 3 ― postmenopause (60–69 years). After the Endospheres Therapy course, the mean group body mass index values did not change, however, a weight loss of 3.4–7.4 kg, a decrease in waist and hips by 2.2–3.0–2.5 cm, 4.1–5.3–6.3 cm in the respective age groups. In the first group of participants, the fat mass index decreased by 16.4% (p <0.005), active cell mass increased by almost 15% (p <0.005), skeletal muscle mass ― by 13% (p >0.005), the specific basic metabolism ― by 10% (p <0.005), the value of phase angle after the course Endospheres Therapy increased statistically significantly by 16% (p <0.05). In other age groups, bioimpedance measurements were similar, but less pronounced. After the procedures, in some cases, study participants reported a slight tingling/squeezing sensation, slight muscle soreness, reminiscent of the state after exercise, and temporary slight redness of the skin.

CONCLUSION: The results obtained allow us to state the effectiveness and safety of the use of Endospheres Therapy in the treatment of cellulite, as a pathogenetically substantiated method of physiotherapy that affects the improvement of the skin condition, the transformation of the fat component, the increase in cell metabolism, muscle tone, stimulation of lymphatic drainage and tissue trophism.

About the authors

Ziver Z. Kardashova

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0095-1706
SPIN-code: 7806-8613

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior Research Associate

Russian Federation, Moscow

Natalia O. Ratnikova

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

ORCID iD: 0009-0009-6568-5286

Research Associate

Russian Federation, Moscow

Irina A. Vasilenko

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute; The Kosygin State University of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6374-9786
SPIN-code: 6611-9990

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Anna A. Fomicheva

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-6481-376X

Research Associate

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Phase angle is an integral indicator of bioimpedance: а — graph of the correspondence of the values of the phase angle and the percentage of fat (clinical norms of phase angle: <5.4°— low, 5.4–7.8°— normal, >7.8°— above normal; clinical norms of LM: <25% — reduced fat content, 25–30% — normal, 30–35% — increased fat content, >35% — obesity). The red dot corresponds to the indicators of the subject; b — graph of age-related changes in the range of normal values and average values of the phase angle for healthy people (the red arrow indicates the age of the subject).

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