Dynamic electroneurostimulation in the prevention of broncho-pulmonary complications with children of the first year of life suffering from congenital heart diseases in the early post-operating period

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The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of dynamic electronic neurostimulation as a means of preventing broncho-pulmonary complications with children of the first year of life with congenital heart disease in the early postoperative period.

Material and methods. There have been observed 82 children operated on congenital heart disease at an average age of 7.6 ± 2.0 months old. By simple randomization, the patients were divided into two groups. Children who received the dynamic electronic neurostimulation procedure from the first day against the background of basic drug therapy were in the 1st group (40 people). The 2nd group (42 people) included patients who were treated only with basic medication.

Results. The result analysis of the study showed a statistically significant effect in the use of dynamic electronic neurostimulation compared to the control group. By evaluating the length of the patient’s stay in hospital after the operative treatment, significant differences have also been obtained. Thus, the patients in the control group stayed in the unit for an average of 14.6 ± 0.3 days, while the patients in the group where dynamic electronic neurostimulation was used in combination with basic therapy had a hospitalization period of 13.4 ± 0.4 days (p < 0.05). The use of DENS allowed to reduce the frequency of complications associated with the bronchopulmonary system starting from 3–4 days of the postoperative period. Thus, in the control group, 5 (11%) children showed pneumonia, 13 (30%) showed atelectasis or dystelectasis, 23 (55%) showed tracheobronchitis, while in the main group — 2 (5%), 6 (15%) and 11 (27.5%) children, respectively.

Conclusion. The obtained results of the work show the expediency of including dynamic electronic neurostimulation in the complex of medical and rehabilitation measures in early post-operative period with infants suffering from congenital heart disease.

About the authors

Artavazd A. Pnjoyan

Urals State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: pndjoyanaa@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Yuliya M. Borzunova

Urals State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Email: pndjoyanaa@gmail.com

DSc, Prof.

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Andrey A. Fedorov

Urals State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation; Ekaterinburg Medical-Research Center for Prevention and Health Protection of Workers in Industrial Enterprises

Email: pndjoyanaa@gmail.com
SPIN-code: 9728-8397

DSc, Prof.

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Elena V. Negodaeva

Urals State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Email: pndjoyanaa@gmail.com
SPIN-code: 5373-3030

PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Deviations of the frequency of respiratory actions from the upper limit of the norm in the main and control groups in children after extubation and over 10 days (%)

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3. Fig. 2. Average saturation after extubation in the main and control groups of children (%)

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