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The basis of conservative treatment of patients with otitis media with effusion is pharmacotherapy which can increased by acupuncture. Under observation were 64 patients aged 20 to 60 years with unilateral otitis media with effusion in the secretory stage, a duration of disease of more than 1 month and the presence of conductive hearing loss. Patients were divided by simple randomization into two comparable groups: group 1 received basic pharmacotherapy within 14 days, group 2 in addition to pharmacotherapy received 7 sessions of acupuncture according to the developed method using of general and local points. The combination of acupuncture with pharmacotherapy increased the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy: by 5.5% in clinical indices, 10.0% - improvement in the otoscopic pattern, 18.1% - in the opening of the ear canal, 8.8% - in the hearing threshold, 17,3% with acoustic muscular reflex, restoration of the barofunction of the auditory tube to the 1 degree by 7.5%, an increase in the immunoregulatory index by 6.1%. In smears-reprints from the mucosa of the mouth of the auditory tube there was an increase in the number of fibroblasts by 14.1%, macrophages by 31.4%; the index of incomplete phagocytosis decreased by 7.1%. In the long term, the frequency of recurrence decreased by 8.6%.

About the authors

T. I Grushina

State autonomic institution «Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine»

д-р мед. наук, рук. лаборатории физиотерапии и бальнеотерапии отдела курортологии и физических методов лечения ГАУЗМ МНПЦ МРВСМ ДЗМ, Москва 105120, Moscow, Russia

E. A Melnikova

State autonomic institution «Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine»

105120, Moscow, Russia

Z. M Mirkhaidarova

State autonomic institution «Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine»

105120, Moscow, Russia


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