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Rosacea is a polyethiological disease at the base of it progress is pathologically changed innervation of vessels of the skin of face - angioneurosis and it undergoes several stages of development. Initially, against the background of permanent extension, the vascular wall loses elasticity and the blood plasma penetrates it. Microcirculation disorders lead to hypostasis of tissues. This process leads to change of a biota of the face skin - to the uncontrollable growth of number of a Demodex tick, which is one of the ethyopathogenetics factor of promotion from erythemoteleangiectatic form to papulopustular. Etiological reasonable approach for therapy of papulopustular rosacea is a combination of external and physiotherapeutic methods of therapy. As medicamentous therapy for suppression of excess activity of a Demodex tick and its uncontrollable growth in our research we have taken the cream with 1% of Ivermektin. As a physiotherapeutic influence - the submilisecond Nd:YAG-laser radiation (1064 nm). This radiation influences at expanded vessels, sanifies pustules, moderate temperature increase in a derma to 41-42оС, leads to elimination of puffiness and stage-by-stage restructuring of collagen fibers.

About the authors

K. A Novikov

Federal state budgetary institution “National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Federal state autonomous educational institute of higher education “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”

121099, Moscow, Russia; 117198, Moscow, Russia

Olga Borisovna Tamrazova

Federal state autonomous educational institute of higher education “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”

MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Department of dermatovenereology, Faculty of advanced training of medical workers, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow 117198, Moscow, Russia

G. E Bagramova

Federal state autonomous educational institute of higher education “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”

117198, Moscow, Russia

V. V Savenkov

State budgetary healthcare institution of Moscow “Moscow scientific-practical center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology” of the Department of healthcare of Moscow”

123104, Moscow, Russia


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