Correction of the disturbed psychoemotional state in the students of a medical college characterized by the low level of neuropsychic stability

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Intense mental activity of the students during academic studies involves mechanisms of adaptation and is associated with strong psychoemotional stress that affects their working ability and places specific demands on all body systems. The objective of the present work was to reveal and correct disturbances in the psychoemotonal sphere of the students of a medical college characterized by the low level of neuropsychic stability. The comprehensive study included 124 subjects (70 women and 54 men) of the mean age of 20 ± 1.2 years. The psychophysiological testing was carried out with the help of the “Multipsikhometr” programmed psychodiagnostic complex (PPK) used to estimate parameters of the psychic status, specific personality traits, working ability, and quality of life. The program for medico-psychological rehabilitation of the students characterized by the low level of neuropsychic stability (NPS) included the use of the methods for psychological correction of certain general disorders, such as breathing-relaxation training and autogenic training exercises. The following physical methods of rehabilitation were applied: the osteopathic techniques designed to normalize affected macro- and microlability of human tissues responsible for functional disturbances and compromised relaxation mechanisms. Therapeutic osteopathic procedures were carried out once weekly at the most, each lasting 40 minutes. The total duration of the treatment varied from 1.5 to 2 months. The clinical and physiological examination provided the data on the character and manifestation correction of the signs of neuropsychic instability in the students of the medical college. It was shown that correction of the psychomotional status in the subjects presenting with the low NPS level resulted in the normalization of the characteristics of the background psychoemotional conditions. Parameters of the quality of life of the students with the low NPS level were below normal ones when estimated based on the scales of both physical and psychological health conditions. The results of the study were employed to substantiate the use of parameters of the osteopathic status for the assessment of the effectiveness of the programs for the correction of psychoemotional state of the students with the low NPS level. The results of the factor analysis of individual characteristics of the functional state indicate that psychoemotional factors are responsible for 44% of the overall health status in the students presenting with the low level of neuropsychic stability.

About the authors

Viktor Viktorovich Matvienko

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Moscow State University of Food Production”, Russian Ministry of Education and Science

Institute of Advanced Medical Training 125080 Moscow, Russia

Kristina Aleksandrovna Tsoller

Institute of Osteopathic Medicine

Sankt-Peterburg, Russia

Aleksandr Dmitrievich Buchnov

Institute of Osteopathic Medicine

Доктор медицнских наук, профессор, руководитель научных проектов Sankt-Peterburg, Russia


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